
Rekordy dla kraj spoza obszaru euro Zobacz: kraj nie należący do strefy euro


Baka Władysław

Bankowość europejska / Władysław Baka. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Nauk. PWN, 2005. - 318 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-01-14527-7



Understanding the Euro / ed. by Andrew Duff ; forew. by Kenneth Clarke. - London : Federal Trust for Education and Research, 1998. - 159 s. : wykr. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-901573-72-8



The Euro at 10 : europeanization, power, and convergence / ed. Kenneth Dyson. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2008. - XXI, 472 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-920886-9


C15766.1 C15766.2

The UK and the euro : sixth report of session 2002-2003 / House of Commons. Treasury Committee. Vol. 1 : Report, together with proceedings of the Commeettee. Vol. 2 : Minutes of evidence and appendices. - London : House of Commons, 2003. - 2 t.(69 ; 474 s.) ; 30 cm
