
Rekordy dla Kanada-parlament Zobacz: parlament Kanady


Ajzenstat Janet

The Canadian founding : John Locke and parliament / Janet Ajzenstat. - Montreal : McGill Univ. Press, 2007. - XVI, 199 s. ; 23 cm. - (McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas ; 44)

ISBN 978-0-7735-3224-3



Asssociation Interparlementaire France-Canada. Assemblée, 29. 1999 (Montreal/Ottawa/Vancouver)

XXIXe Assemblée de l'Association Interparlementaire France-Canada : Montréal - Ottawa - Vancouver, septembre 1999 / Assemblée Nationale. Relations interparlementaires : Montréal - Ottawa - Vancouver, septembre 1999. - Paris : Assemblée Nationale, 1999. - 78 s. ; 24 cm. - (Documents d'Information de l'Assemblée Nationale, ISSN 1240-831X ; 86/1999)

ISBN 2-11-108748-3



Blidook Kelly

Constituency influence in Parliament : countering the centre / Kelly Blidook. - Vancouver : Univ. of British Columbia Press, 2012. - XI, 180 s. : wykr. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-7748-2156-8



Bourinot John George

Parliamentary procedure and practice in the Dominion of Canada / John George Bourinot ; introd. by C. B. Koester. - Shannon : Irish Univ. Press, 1971. - 12, XV, 785 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-7165-2021-4



The election and parliament : what voters sought, what voters got : Ottawa, October 27-28, 1994 / Canadian Study of Parliament Group. - Ottawa : Canadian Study of Parliament Group, 1996. - 52, 55 s. ; 30 cm


B86055 B86056 BSE4142

Parlament Kanady / oprac. i przekł. Krystian Complak. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1999. - 275 s. ; 21 cm. - (Parlamenty Świata)

ISBN 83-7059-317-8



Cunhan Inácia Rodrigues Santos dos

Serviços de informaçáo para o poder legislativo : estudo comparativo entre os Estados Unidos, Gră-Bretanha e Canadá : (dissertaçăo de Mestrado apresentada a UFMG) / Inácia Rodrigues dos Santos Cunha. - Brasília : Câmara dos Deputados. Coordenaçăo de Publicaçoes, 1987. - 692 s. : tab. ; 23 cm



Dawson Robert MacGregor (1895-1958)

Davson's the Government of Canada / Robert MacGregor Dawson. - Ed. 6 / Norman Ward. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1987. - IX, 373 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8020-5731-4



Dawson Robert MacGregor (1895-1958)

Democratic government in Canada / R. MacGregor Dawson and W.F. Dawson. - 5 ed. / rev. by Norman Ward. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, cop. 1989. - 152 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8020-6703-4



Deschênes Gaston

Le Parlement du Québec : deux siecles d'histoire / Gaston Deschênes et Maurice Pellerin. - [Québec] : Publ. du Québec, 1991. - 121 s. : fot. ; 21 cm. - (Vie Parlementaire ; 5)

ISBN 2-551-14916-9



Deschênes Gaston

The Québec Parliament building : a monument to history / text Gaston Deschêne ; phot. Francesco Bellomo. - Saint-Lambert : Stromboli, 2007. - 263 s. : fot. ; 23 x 28 cm

ISBN 978-2-921800-24-2



Forsey Eugene A.

Les Canadiens et leur système de gouvernement / par Eugene A. Forsey. - 2 éd. - [Ottawa] : Min. des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1988. - III, 72 s. : il. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-662-92447-9



Forsey Eugene A.

How Canadians govern themselves / Eugene A. Forsey. - 2 ed. - [Ottawa] : Min. of Supply and Services, 1988. - III, 66 s. : il. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-662-13001-4



Politics : Canada / [oprac.] Paul W. Fox, Graham White. - 6 ed. - Toronto : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1987. - 670 s. ; 23 cm. - (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Series in Canadian Politics)

ISBN 0-07-549211-3



Franks C. E. S.

The Parliament of Canada / C. E. S. Franks. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1989. - 8 nlb., 305 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8020-6651-8



Gélinas André

Les parlementaires et l'administration au Québec / André Gélinas. - Québec : Presses de l'Univ. Laval, 1969. - XVIII, 245 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm



Le Parlement du Canada / photographies par W.J.L. Gibbons [i in.] ; texte par Henriette Immarigeon ; coord. par Ian H. Frew. - Ottawa : Chambre des Communes, 1973. - 128 s. : fot. kolor. ; 28 cm


B74201 B74240 BSE1458

Grzybowski Marian

Parlament Kanady / Marian Grzybowski ; Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Informacyjne. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1994. - 45 s. ; 21 cm. - (Parlamenty / Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Informacyjne)

ISBN 83-7059-089-6



Grzybowski Marian

Szkice kanadyjskie : (państwo - ustrój - obywatele) / Marian Grzybowski. - Kielce : Przeds. Poligr. Głowaccy, 2003. - 166 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-85953-17-5



Hambleton George

The Parliament of Canada / by George Hambleton. - Toronto : The Ryerson Press, 1951. - VIII, 120 s. ; 21 cm



Hopkins E. Russell

How Parliament works : an examination of the functioning of the Parliament of Canada / by E. Russel Hopkins. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1957. - 49, [1] s. ; 20 cm



Hopkins E. Russell

How parliament works : an examination of the functioning of the parliament of Canada / by E. Russell Hopkins. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer and Controller of Stationery, 1966. - 50 s. ; 20 cm



In the public eye : parliamentary transparency in Europe and North America / [International Human Rights Law Group]. - Washington : Intern. Human Rights Law Group, cop. 1995. - 297 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-931723-24-8



Jackson Robert J.

Contemporary Canadian politics : readings and notes / Robert J. Jackson, Doreen Jackson, Nicolas Baxter-Moore. - Scarborough : Prentice Hall, 1987. - XII, 416 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-13-170689-6



Kam Christopher J.

Party discipline and parliamentary politics / Christopher J. Kam. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009. - XI, 265 s. : wykr. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-521-51829-1



Canada's federal system of government : seminar : May 5-8, 1992 / Parliament of Canada. - Ottawa : Parliament of Canada, 1992. - 223 s. ; 28 cm



The operation of the Canadian Parliament : seminar : May 30 - June 3, 1994 / Parliament of Canada. - Ottawa : Parliament of Canada, 1994. - 278 s. ; 28 cm



The Parliamentary Associations / [Parliament of Canada]. - [Ottawa] : [b.w.], [1995]. - 15, 15 s. ; 18 cm



Consolidation of selected statutes and regulations relating to parliament / prepared by the Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel of the Senate and House of Commons. - [B.m.] : [Parliament of Canada], 1990. - 183 s. ; 28 cm


C10208.90 C10209.90

Kanadyjska Izba Gmin a telewizja / Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Studiów i Ekspertyz. Dział Przekładów. - Warszawa : KS Biuro Studiów i Ekspertyz, sierpień 1993. - 7 s. ; 30 cm. - (Relacje i transmisje z obrad parlamentarnych / Biuro Studiów i Ekspertyz Kancelarii Sejmu). - (Materiały i Dokumenty BSE ; Nr 90)



Kersell John E.

Parliamentary supervision of delegated legislation : the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada / by John E. Kersell ; with a forew. by Cecil Carr. - London : Stevens and Sons, 1960. - XVI, 178 s. ; 25 cm



Konferencja Przewodniczących Parlamentów Europy, USA i Kanady. 1988 (Warszawa)

Konferencja Przewodniczących Parlamentów Europy, USA i Kanady : 26 - 28 XI 1988 r. : odgłosy prasy krajowej / Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Prasowe. - Warszawa : KS Biuro Prasowe, 1988. - (Wiele liczb.) ; 30 cm. - (Prasa o Sejmie ; 1988, nr 141)


C17908 C17909

Kanada : wizyta przewodniczącego Senatu Kanady / [oprac. Danuta Małgorzata Korzeniowska]. - Warszawa : Kanc. Senatu. Biuro Inform. i Dokumentacji, czerwiec 2007. - 11 s. ; 30 cm. - (Opracowania Tematyczne / Kancelaria Senatu. Biuro Informacji i Dokumentacji ; OT-508)



The parliaments of autonomous nations / ed. by Guy Laforest and André Lecours. - Montreal : McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 2016. - XI, 258 s. ; 23 cm. - (Democracy, Diversity, and Citizien Engagement Series)

ISBN 978-0-7735-4740-7


B75110.1 B75110.2

Laskin Bora

Laskin's Canadian constitutional law / [Bora Laskin]. Vol.1-2. - 5 ed. / Neil Finkelstein. - Toronto : Carswell, 1986. - 2 vol. (1501 s.) ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-459-38450-3



Levy Gary

Speakers of the House of Commons / by Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1983. - VI, 115 s. : portr.il. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-662-12510-X



Levy Gary

Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1984. - VI, 103 s. : portr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-662-12510-X



Levy Gary

Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1988. - VI, 115 s. : portr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-660-12734-2



Levy Gary

Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1991. - VI, 115 s. : portr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-660-12734-2



Levy Gary

Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - [3 wyd.]. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1996. - VI, 126 s. : portr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-662-22402-7



McGrath James A.

Report of the Special Committee on reform of the House of Commons / James A. McGratf ; House of Commons. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer for Canada, 1985. - XII, 124 ; XII, 127 s. : portr. ; 28 cm



March Roman R.

The myth of parliament / Roman R. March. - Scarborough : Prentice Hall, 1974. - IX, 150 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-13-609164-4



National parliaments and the European Parliament : background, role and legislative processes for selected countries / Dawn Mitchell ed.. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2016. - VII, 176 s. ; 23 cm. - (European Political, Economic and Security Issues)

ISBN 978-1-53610-320-5



The Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada : final report / Gildas L. Molgat, Mark MacGuigan. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer for Canada, 1972. - VII, 128, VII, 128 s. ; 27 cm



Purves Grant

Speakers of the Senate / Grant Purves. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1988. - VI, 87 s. : portr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-662-16376-1



Purves Grant

Les présidents du Sénat / Grant Purves. - Ottawa : Bibliothèque du Parlement, 1988. - VI, 93 s. : portr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-662-95045-3



Quebec. Assemblée Nationale

L'Hôtel du Parlement : témoin de notre histoire / Assemblée Nationale. - Montréal : Assemblée Nationale du Quebec, 1986. - 204 s. : fot. ; 30 cm

ISBN 2-551-08704-X



Obstacles : report of the Special Committee on the Disabled and the Handicapped. - Ottawa : Min. of Supply and Services, 1981. - 189 s. : il. ; 28 cm

ISBN 0-602-11424-8



Quebec. Assemblée Nationale

What is the National Assembly? / [research and text : Richard Thibault ; National Assembly of Quebec]. - Québec : Assemblée Nationale du Quebec, 1991. - 62 s. : wykr., fot. ; 29 cm

ISBN 2-550-19944-8



Van Loon Richard J.

The Canadian political system : environment, structure and process / Richard J. Van Loon, Michael S. Whittington. - 4 ed. - Toronto : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1987. - 879 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-07-549073-0



Le parlament du Canada. - Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, 1968. - [28] s. : fot. ; 17 x 21 cm



Seminar on new parliament, new government, old public service : the changing of the Guard held in Ottawa on Thursday, October 25, 1979. - Ottawa : Groupe Canadien d"Étude des Questions Parlamentaires, 1979. - 39 s. ; 26 cm. - (Canadian Study of Parliament Group) (Groupe Canadien d'Étude des Questions Parlementaires)



Seminar on the constitutional resolution and legislative authority in Canada held in Ottawa on Friday, January 9, 1981. - Ottawa : Groupe Canadien d"Étude des Questions Parlamentaires, 1981. - 88 s. ; 26 cm. - (Canadian Study of Parliament Group) (Groupe Canadien d'Étude des Questions Parlementaires)



Representation in the federal parliament. - Ottawa : Elections Canada, 1986. - 18 s. : il. ; 25 cm



Library of Parliament : a guide to services. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1989. - [20] k. : il. ; 22 cm



Standing orders of the House of Commons. - February 1990. - Ottawa : Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre, 1990. - [175] s. ; 28 cm

ISBN 0-660-55686-3


A26215 B82064

The parliament buildings. - Ottawa : [b.w.], [1990]. - 64 s. : k. fot. ; 17 x 25 cm



The parliament buildings / comp. ... by Lawson Graphics Pacific. - Ottawa : House of Commons, [1990]. - 64 s. : fot. kolor. ; 17x25 cm



Standing orders of the House of Commons. - May 1991. - Ottawa : Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre, 1991. - [184] s. ; 28 cm

ISBN 0-660-56492-0



Parliament of Canada Act. - Consolidated as of May 1, 1991. - [Ottawa] : [Parliament of Canada], 1991. - 41 s. ; 28 cm



Presenting Canada's Parliament : parliamentarian's kit [Dokument elektroniczny]. - [Ottawa] : Libr. of Parliament. Inform. Service, 2006. - 1 dysk optyczny (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm
