
Rekordy dla prawo precedensowe


Abernathy Charles F.

Civil rights and constitutional litigation : cases and materials / by Charles F. Abernathy. - 2 ed. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1992. - XXIII, 753 s. ; 26 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-92683-6


B68678 B71516

Abraham Henry Julian

Freedom and the court : civil rights and liberties in the United States / Henry J. Abraham. - 5 ed. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. - XVI, 587 s. ; 21 cm.

ISBN 0-19-505516-0



Amerasinghe Chittharanjan Felix

Jurisdiction of international tribunals / by Chittharanjan F. Amerasinghe. - The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 2003. - LXI, 881 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 90-411-1838-1



Anagnostou Dia

The European Court of Human Rights : implementing Strasbourg’s judgments on domestic policy / ed. by Dia Anagnostou. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press, 2014. - X, 240 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-7486-7060-4



Ancel Bertrand

Grands arrets de la jurisprudence française de droit international privé / Bertrand Ancel, Yves Lequette ; préf. Henri Batiffol. - 2 éd. - Paris : Économie et Gestion Sirey, cop. 1992. - XIV, 652 s. ; 22 cm. - (Droit Public / Sirey)

ISBN 2-247-01441-0



Arnull Anthony

The European Union and its Court of Justice / Anthony Arnull. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2006. - LXXX, 699 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford EC Law Library)

ISBN 0-19-925884-8



Arnull Anthony

The European Union and its Court of Justice / Anthony Arnull. - 2nd ed,,[repr.]. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2007. - LXXX, 699 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford EC Law Library)

ISBN 978-0-19-925884-0



Avanessian Aida B.

Iran-United States Claims Tribunal in action / Aida B. Avanessian. - London : Graham and Trotman, 1993. - LXXV, 325 s. ; 24 cm. - (International Arbitration Law Library)

ISBN 1-85333-906-7



Badr Gamal Maursi

State immunity : an analytical and prognostic view / by Gamal Moursi Badr. - The Hague : Martinus Nijhoff, 1984. - VIII, 243 s. ; 24 cm. - (Developments in International Law, ISSN 0924-5332)


B112314 B112751

Balcerzak Michał

Zagadnienie precedensu w prawie międzynarodowym praw człowieka / Michał Balcerzak. - Toruń : Tow. Nauk. Organizacji i Kierownictwa. Dom Organizatora, 2008. - 300 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-7285-420-9



Bannan John F.

Law, morality and Vietnam : the peace militants and the courts / John F. and Rosemary S.Bannan. - Bloomington : Indiana Univ. Press, 1974. - 241 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-253-14732-8



Barnum David G.

The Supreme Court and American democracy / David G. Barnum. - New York : St. Martin's Press, cop. 1993. - 348 s. : fot., wykr. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-312-06106-4



Beatson J.

Administrative law : cases and materials / J. Beatson, M. H. Matthews. - 2nd. ed. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1989. - XLIII, 881 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-876205-4



Law and memory : towards legal governance of history / ed. by Uladzislau Belavusau, Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2017. - XII, 448 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-107-18875-4



Bellia Anthony J.

The law of nations and the United States constitution / Anthony J. Bellia, Bradford R. Clark. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2017. - XXXI, 288 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-984125-7



Benson Robert W.

The interpretation game : how judges and lawyers make the law / Robert Benson. - Durham : Carolina Acad. Press, 2008. - XVII,185 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-59460-501-7



Bilsky Leora

The Holocaust, corporations, and the law : unfinished business / Leora Bilsky. - Ann Arbor : Univ. of Michigan, cop. 2017. - XII, 239 s. ; 24 cm. - (Law, Meaning, and Violence)

ISBN 978-0-472-05361-2


B127877 BSE11169

Bobek Michal

Comparative reasoning in European Supreme Courts / Michal Bobek. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2013. - VIII, 310 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-968038-2



Bogdanovskaja Irina Jur'evna

Precedentnoe pravo / I. Ju. Bogdanovskaja ; Rossijskaja Akademija Nauk. Inst. Gosudarstva i Prava. - Moskva : Izd-vo Nauka, 1993. - 235 s. ; 17 cm. - (Juridičeskie Nauki)

ISBN 5-02-012992-5


B99163 BSE6190

Prawo a wartości : księga jubileuszowa Profesora Józefa Nowackiego / pod red. Iwony Boguckiej, Zygmunta Tobora. - Kraków : Kantor Wydaw. Zakamycze, 2003. - 311 s., [1 k] : fot. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-7333-288-X



Boyce Ronald N.

Cases and materials on crimanal law and procedure / by Ronald N. Boyce and Rollin M. Perkins. - 7th ed. - Westbury : Found. Press, [repr.1997]. - XXVII, 1263 s. ; 25 cm. - (University Casebook Series)



Burke Christopher M.

The appearance of equality : racial gerrymandering, redistricting, and the Supreme Court / Christopher M. Burke. - London : Greenwood Press, 1999. - VIII, 212 s. ; 24 cm. - (Contributions in Legal Studies, ISSN 0147-1074 ; no 89)

ISBN 0-313-30751-2



Burke J. Martin

Taxation of individual income / J. Martin. Burke, Michael K. Friel. - New York : Matthew Bender and Co., 1988. - XXXII, 1047, T:31, I:27 s. ; 25 cm. - (Analysis and Skills Series)



Campbell Alan

EC competition law : a practitioner's textbook / Alan Campbell ; forew. by Lord Mackenzie Stuart. - Amsterdam : North-Holland Publ. Company, 1980. - XII, 345 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-444-85496-7



Cane Peter

An introduction to administrative law / Peter Cane. - 2 ed. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1992. - 392 s. ; 22 cm. - (Clarendon Law Series)

ISBN 0-19-825690-6



Cepeda Espinosa Manuel José

Colombian constitutional law : leading cases / Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa, David Landau. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2017. - X, 436 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-064036-1



Chechi Alessandro

The settlement of international cultural heritage disputes / Alessandro Chechi. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2014. - XXX, 343 s. ; 24 cm. - (Cultural Heritage Law and Policy)

ISBN 978-0-19-870399-0



Chemerinsky Erwin

Constitutional law / Erwin Chemerinsky. - 2nd ed. - New York : Aspen Publishers, 2005. - LIV, 1574 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 0-7355-4946-X



Chemerinsky Erwin

Enhancing government : federalism for the 21st century / Erwin Chemerinsky. - Stanford : Stanford Univ. Press, 2008. - IX, 299 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-8047-5198-8



Cheng Bin

General principles of law as applied by International Courts and Tribunals / Bin Cheng ; with a foreword by Georg Schwarzenberger. - Cambridge : Grotius, 1987. - LI, 490 s. ; 25 cm. - (Grotius Classic Reprint Series)

ISBN 0-949009-06-7



Judicial reaction to affirmative action, 1989-1997 : things fall apart / ed. with introd. by Gabriel J. Chin. - New York : Garland, 1998. - XV, 383 s. ; 24 cm. - (Affirmative action and the constitution ; vol. 3). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-8153-2742-0



Supreme Court "solves" the affirmative action issue, 1978-1988 / ed. with introd. by Gabriel J. Chin. - New York : Garland, 1998. - XIII, 342 s. ; 24 cm. - (Affirmative action and the constitution ; vol. 2). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-8153-2742-0


BSE7994 BSE7995

Clayton Richard

The law of human rights / by Richard Clayton, Hugh Tomlinson ; with Carol George and with assistance of Vina Shukla. Vol. 1-2. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. - 2 t.(CCXXIII, 1670 .; XXXIV, 285 s.) ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-19-924581-9


B98901 BSE7996

Clayton Richard

The law of human rights : second annual updating supplement / by Richard Clayton, Hugh Tomlinson. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. - LXXIII, 455 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-925431-1


B114536.1 B114536.2

The law of human rights / eds Richard Clayton, Hugh Tomlinson. Vol. 1-2. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2009. - 2 vol.( CCCXV, 2193 ; VI, 250 s.) ; 26 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-926357-8



Conant Michael

The constitution and the economy : objective theory and critical commentary / by Michael Conant. - Norman : Univ. of Oklahoma, cop. 1991. - IX, 410 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-8061-2363-X



Connolly Michael

Discrimination law / by MIchael Connolly. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2006. - XXXVIII, 419 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-93000-4



Cases and materials on intellectual property / ed. by William Cornish. - 5th ed.. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2006. - LIX, 743 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-91780-6



Codices [Dokument elektroniczny] : infobase on constitutional case-law : centre on constitutional justice / Venice Commission. - V3.2 (2000/1) - V4.2 (2001/2) . - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2000-2002. - 3 dyski optyczne (CD-ROM) ; 14 cm + User's guide do wersji 3.2 i 3.3




Case-law of the Constitutional Court of Belarus 1997-2003 / European Commission for Democracy Through Law. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2004. - 50 s. ; 30 cm



Case-law concerning article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights : forty years of case-law 1959-1999. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1999. - 45 s. ; 30 cm



Cox Archibald

The court and the constitution / Archibald Cox. - Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1987. - VIII, 434 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 0-395-48071-X



Crawford James

The creation of states in international law / James Crawford. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1979. - XXII, 498 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-19-825347-8



Crawford James

The creation of states in international law / James Crawford. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 2006. - LXXII, 870 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-826002-4


B117501 BSE9782

Dąbek Dorota

Prawo sędziowskie w polskim prawie administracyjnym / Dorota Dąbek. - Warszawa : Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2010. - 863 s. ; 21 cm. - (Monografie / Wolters Kluwer Polska, ISSN 1897-4392)

ISBN 978-83-264-0388-0



De Cruz Peter

Comparative law in a changing world / Peter de Cruz. - London : Cavendish, 1995. - XIII, 496 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-85941-137-1



Prohibition of abuse of law : a new general principle of EU law? / ed. by Rita de la Feria and Stefan Vogenauer. - Oxford : Hart, 2011. - XXV, 636 s. ; 24 cm. - (Studies of the Oxford Institute of European and Comparative Law)

ISBN 978-1-84113-938-8



Denning Alfred

The discipline of law / by Lord Denning. - London : Butterworths, 1979. - XXII, 331 s. : il. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-406-17605-1



Denning Alfred

The due process of law / by Lord Denning. - London : Butterworths, 1980. - XVIII, 263 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-406-17605-1



Archbold : International Criminal Courts : practice, procedure and evidence / [eds. Rodney Dixon, Karim A.A. Khan, Richard May]. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2003. - LVII, 1532 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-77270-0



Drexl Josef

What is protected in a computer program? : copyright protection in the United States and Europe / Josef Drexl. - Weinheim : VCH, 1994. - 124 s. ; 23 cm. - (Studies in Industrial Property and Copyright Law ; vol. 15)

ISBN 3-527-28688-8



E-Voting case law : a comparative analysis / ed. by Ardita Driza Maurer, Jordi Barrat. - Surrey : Ashgate, 2015. - XXVIII, 294 s. ; 24 cm. - (Election Law, Politics, and Theory)

ISBN 978-1-4724-4675-6



Dzehtsiarou Kanstantsin

European consensus and the legitimacy of the European Court of Human Rights / Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2015. - XXIII, 229 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-107-04103-5



Eeckhout Piet

External relations of the European Union : legal and constitutional foundations / Piet Eeckhout. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2004. - LXII, 490 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford EC Law Library)

ISBN 0-19-925165-7



Eeckhout Piet

EU external relations law / Piet Eeckhout. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2011. - XLIX, 572 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford EU Law Library)

ISBN 978-0-19-960663-4



International labour law reports / coord. ed. Peter Elman. Vol. 1. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1978. - XV, 383 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 90-286-0898-2



Emanuel Steven

Constitutional law / by Steven Emanuel. - 10 ed. - Larchmont : Emanuel Law Outlines, 1992. - XXIX, 727 s. ; 28 cm. - (Emanuel Law Outlines)

ISBN 1-56542-035-7



Emmerson Ben

Human rights and criminal justice / by Ben Emmerson and Andrew Ashworth and Alison Macdonald. - 2nd ed. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2007. - CXXXII, 905 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 97-80421876101



Erades L.

Interactions between international and municipal law : a comparative case law study / L. Erades ; ed. by Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Cees Flinterman. - The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Instituut, cop. 1993. - XXV, 1037 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 90-6704-072-X



Evans Lawrence B.

Cases on American constitutional law / by Lawrence B. Evans. - 7th ed. / by Charles G. Fenwick. - Chicago : Callaghan and Company, 1957. - XLIII, 973 s. ; 25 cm



Feyen Stef

Beyond federal dogmatics : the influence of European Union law on Belgian constitutional case law regarding federalism / Stef Feyen. - Leuven : Leuven Univ. Press, 2013. - 280 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-90-5867-938-3



Fisher Louis

Political dynamics of constitutional law / by Louis Fisher, Neal Devins. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1992. - 333 s. ; 25 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-00657-5



Fisher Louis

Constitutional structures: separated powers and federalism / Louis Fisher. - 2 ed. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1995. - XXI, 657 s. ; 24 cm. - (American constitutional law ; vol. 1)

ISBN 0-07-021222-8



Fisher Louis

Military tribunals and presidential power : American Revolution to the war on terrorism / Louis Fisher. - Kansas : Univ. Press of Kansas, 2005. - XIV, 279 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 07006-1375-7



Forell Caroline A.

A law of her own : the resonable woman as a measure of man / Caroline A. Forell and Donna M. Matthews ; forew. by Barbara Y. Welke. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 2000. - XXII, 261 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8147-2676-3



Forowicz Magdalena

The reception of international law in the European Court of Human Rights / Magdalena Forowicz. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2010. - XXXIII, 421 s. ; 24 cm. - (International Courts and Tribunals Series)

ISBN 978-0-19-959267-8



Franck Claude

Droit constitutionnel / Claude Franck. - Paris : Presses Univ. de France, 1978. - 371 s. ; 27 cm. - (Thémis. Les Grandes Décisions de la Jurisprudence, ISSN 0398-3838)

ISBN 2-13-035786-5



Fried Charles

Saying what the law is : the constitution in the supreme court / Charles Fried. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 2005. - XII, 319 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-674-01954-7



Friedmann Daniel

The purse and the sword : the trials of Israel's legal revolution / Daniel Friedmann ; transl. by Haim Watzman. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2016. - VII, 397 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-027850-2



Gardiner Richard K.

Treaty interpretation / Richard K. Gardiner. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2008. - XXXIX, 407 s. ; 24 cm. - (The Oxford International Law Library)

ISBN 978-0-19-927791-9



Great cases in constitutional law / ed. by Robert P. George. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 2000. - VII, 206 s. ; 24 cm. - (New Forum Books)

ISBN 0-691-04952-1



Gerhardt Michael J.

Constitutional theory : arguments and perspectives / Michael J. Gerhardt, Stephen M. Griffin, Thomas D. Rowe. - 3rd ed. - Newark : LexisNexis UK, 2007. - XXIII, 704 s. wiele liczb ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-8205-7041-9



Leading cases and materials on the law of the European Communities / ed. by D. J. Gijlstra [i in.] ; Europa Institute University of Amsterdam. - 3 ed. - Deventer : Kluwer Acad. Publ., 1980. - XIX, 559 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 90-268-1095-4



The constitutionality of labor laws and their relation to freedom of religion and speech / ed. with introd. by David L. Gregory. - New York : Garland, 1999. - XVI, 367 s. ; 24 cm. - (Labor and the Constitution ; Vol. 1). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-8153-3389-7



Labor and property, privacy, discrimination and international relations / ed. with introd. by David L. Gregory. - New York : Garland, 1999. - IX, 376 s. ; 24 cm. - (Labor and the Constitution ; Vol. 2). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-8153-3389-7



The use of foreign precedents by constitutional judges / ed. by Tania Groppi and Marie-Claire Ponthoreau. - Oxford : Hart, 2013. - XXXVIII, 431 s. : wykr. ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-1-84946-271-6



Grossman Joel Barry

Supplemental cases for constitutional law and judicial policy making / Joel B. Grossman, Richard S. Wells. - New York : John Wiley and Sons, 1975. - VIII, 406 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-471-32853-7



Constitutional law and judicial policy making / ed. and written by Joel B. Grossman, Richard S. Wells. - New York : John Wiley and Sons, 1972. - XXI, 869 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 0-471-32850-2



Grover Sonja C.

Prosecuting international crimes and human rights abuses committed against children : leading international court cases / Sonja C. Grover. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2010. - XXVII, 1132 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-3-642-00517-6



Groves Harry Edward

Comparative constitutional law : cases and materials / Harry E. Groves. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1963. - XXV, 628 s. ; 24 cm



Gunther Gerald

Constitutional law / by Gerald Gunther. - 12 ed. - Westbury : Found. Press, 1991. - CV, 1675, [28] s. ; 26 cm. - (University Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-88277-890-0


B51711.1 B51711.2 B51711.3.1 B51711.3.2 B51711.4.1 B51711.4.2 B51711.5.1 B51711.5.2 B51711.6.1 B51711.6.2 B51711.7.1 B51711.7.2 B51711.8

Hambro Edvard

The case law of the International Court : a repertoire of the judgments, advisory opinions and orders of the Permanent Court of International Justice and of the International Court of Justice / by Edvard Hambro. Vol. 1-8. - Leyden : Sijthoff, 1963-1976. - Wiele liczb. ; 25 cm



Hansford Thomas G.

Politics of precedent on the U.S. Supreme Court / Thomas G. Hansford, James F. Spriggs. - New Jersey : Univ. Presses of California, Columbia and Princeton, 2008. - XII, 155 s. : wykr. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-691-13633-2



The action for damages in community law / eds. Ton Heukels, Alison McDonnell ; University of Leiden. Europa Instituut, T.M.C. Asser Instituut. - The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1997. - 451 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 90-411-0370-8



Hiller Janine S.

Internet law and policy / Janine S. Hiller, Ronnie Cohen. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall, 2002. - XV, 375 s. : il. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-13-033428-6



Hussain Ijaz

Dissenting and separate opinions at the World Court / Ijaz Hussain. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff, 1984. - XV, 335 s. ; 24 cm. - (Legal Aspects of International Organization)

ISBN 90-247-2920-3



Iancu Bogdan

Legislative delegation : the erosion of normative limits in modern constitutionalism / Bogdan Iancu. - Berlin : Springer, 2012. - XI, 289 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-3-642-22329-7



Israel Jerold H.

Criminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory text / Jerold H. Israel, Yale Kamisar, Wayne R. LaFave. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1989. - XXXVII, [3], 728, [3] s. ; 25 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-57223-6



Jackson Vicki C.

Comparative constitutional law / by Vicki C. Jackson, Mark Tushnet. - 2nd ed. - New York : Foundation Press, 2006. - LXXVII, 1776 s. ; 25 cm. - (University Casebook Series)

ISBN 978-1-58778-527-6



Jasiak Anna

Constitutional constraints on ad hoc legislation : a comparative study of the United States, Germany and the Netherlands / Anna Jasiak. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2011. - XXVIII, 319 s. ; 24 cm. - (Ius Commune Europaeum)

ISBN 978-1-78068-017-0



Jennings William Ivor (1903-1965)

Constitutional laws of the British Empire / by W. Ivor Jennings and C.M. Young. - [2nd ed.]. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1938. - XVIII, 364 s. ; 22 cm



Jennings William Ivor (1903-1965)

Constitutional laws of the Commonwealth / by Ivor Jennings and C.M. Young. - 2nd ed. of Constitutional laws of the British Empire. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1952. - XXIV, 520 s. ; 22 cm



Jennings William Ivor (1903-1965)

Constitutional laws of the Commonwealth / by Ivor Jennings. Vol. 1 : The monarchies. - 3rd ed. of Constitutional laws of the British Empire. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1957. - XXIV, 496 s. ; 22 cm



Johannes Hartmut

Industrial property and copyright in European Community law / by Hartmut Johannes. - Leyden : Sijthoff, 1976. - VIII, 315 s. ; 24 cm. - (European Aspect : a collection of studies relating to European integration. Law Series ; no. 17)

ISBN 90-286-0194-5



Supreme Court and American political development / ed. by Ronald Kahn and Ken I. Kersch. - Kansas : Univ. Press of Kansas, 2006. - X, 494 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-7006-1439-7


B108586 BSE8253

Kalisz Anna

Wykładnia i stosowanie prawa wspólnotowego / Anna Kalisz. - [Stan prawny na 1 czerwca 2007 r.]. - Warszawa : Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2007. - 265 s. ; 21 cm. - (Monografie / Wolters Kluwer Polska, ISSN 1897-4392)

ISBN 978-83-7526-221-6



Kapiński Zbigniew

Apelacje karne : zaskarżanie na korzyść i niekorzyść / [Zbigniew Kapiński]. - [Stan prawny: październik 2013 r.]. - Warszawa : Beck, 2014. - IX, 248 s. ; 24 cm. - (Aplikacje Prawnicze. Akta, Kazusy)

ISBN 978-83-255-5532-0



Kapiński Zbigniew

Apelacje karne : zagadnienia praktyczne, akta i kazusy / [Zbigniew Kapiński]. - 2. wyd., [stan prawny: październik 2014 r.]. - Warszawa : Beck, 2015. - IX, 330 s. ; 24 cm. - (Aplikacje Prawnicze. Akta, Kazusy)

ISBN 978-83-255-6758-3



Keir David Lindsay (1895-1973)

Cases in constitutional law / D. L. Keir, F. H. Lawson ; ed. by F. H. Lawson, D. J. Bentley. - 6 ed. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1979. - XLI, 550 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-19-876077-9



Khan Malcolm

Clinical negligence / Malcolm Khan, Michelle Robson, Kristina Swift. - 2nd ed. - London : Cavendish, 2002. - XXXV, 542 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-85941-492-3



The Constitution of the United States of America : analysis and interpretation : analysis of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 28, 2002 / prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Library of Congress ; ed. John H. Kilian [i in.]. - Washington : US Government Printing Office, 2004. - XXII, 2607 s. ; 29 cm

ISBN 0-16-072379-5



Klamert Marcus

The principle of loyalty in EU law / Marcus Klamert. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2014. - XXII, 327 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford Studies in Democratization)

ISBN 978-0-19-968312-3



Klimów Romuald

Zbiór wypadków z zakresu prawa konstytucyjnego / Romuald Klimów. - Lwów : Kodeks, [1928]. - 70 s. ; 17 cm



Competition cases from the European Union : the ultimate guide to leading cases EU and all 27 member states / general editor: Ioannis Kokkoris. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2008. - CXIII, 1445 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84703-137-2



Kommers Donald P.

American constitutional law : essays, cases, and comparative notes / Donald P. Kommers, John E. Finn. Vol. 1. - Belmont : Wadsworth, 1998. - XVIII, 364 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-534-53937-8


B115208 BSE9265

Koszowski Maciej

Anglosaska doktryna precedensu : porównanie z polską praktyką orzeczniczą / Maciej Koszowski. - Warszawa : Warsz. Firma Wydawnicza, 2009. - 157 s. ; 21 cm. - (Literatura Fachowa)

ISBN 978-83-61748-04-5


B123770 BSE10704

Kraśnicka Izabela

Wprowadzenie do systemu prawa Stanów Zjednoczonych / Izabela Kraśnicka, Anna Ludwikowska. - Toruń : Tow. Nauk. Organizacji i Kierownictwa. Dom Organizatora, 2012. - 349 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-7285-656-2



Kazusy i wzory pism / pod red. Izabeli Kraśnickiej. - Warszawa : Beck, 2011. - XVIII, 277 s. ; 24 cm. - (Studencka Poradnia Prawna)

ISBN 978-83-255-3132-4



Laidler Paweł

Basic cases in U.S. constitutional law : the separation of powers / Paweł Laidler. - Kraków : UJ, 2005. - 153 s. ; 24 cm. - (Basic American Documents)

ISBN 978-83-233-2252-8



Laidler Paweł

Basic cases in U.S. constitutional law : rights and liberties / Paweł Laidler. - Kraków : UJ, 2009. - 176 s. ; 24 cm. - (Basic American Documents)

ISBN 978-83-233-2691-5



Latour Bruno

La fabrique du droit : une ethnographie du conseil d'État / Bruno Latour. - Paris : Ed. la Découverte, 2004. - 319 s. : fot. ; 19 cm. - (La Découverte/Poche. Sciences Humaines et Sociales ; 191)

ISBN 2-7071-4472-X



Latour Bruno

The making of law : an ethnography of the Conseil d’Etat / Bruno Latour ; transl. [z fr.] by Marina Brilman and Alain Pottage. - Cambridge : Polity Press, 2010. - 297 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-7456-3985-7



Leach Philip

Taking a case to the European Court of Human Rights / Philip Leach ; with a forew. by Nicolas Bratza. - 2nd ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - LIX, 794 s. ; 22 cm. - (Blackstone's Human Rights)

ISBN 0-19-927528-9



Leeson Susan M.

Constitutional law : cases in context / Susan M. Leeson, James C. Foster. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 1992. - 856 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-312-02512-2


B93474 BSE5282

Leszczyński Leszek

Zagadnienia teorii stosowania prawa : doktryna i tezy orzecznictwa / Leszek Leszczyński. - Kraków : Kantor Wydaw. Zakamycze, 2001. - 362 s. ; 24 cm. - (Podręcznik / Zakamycze)

ISBN 83-7333-069-0



Leszczyński Leszek

Zagadnienia teorii stosowania prawa : doktryna i tezy orzecznictwa / Leszek Leszczyński. - [Wyd. 3]. - Kraków : Kantor Wydaw. Zakamycze, 2004. - 362 s. ; 24 cm. - (Seria Akademicka / Zakamycze)

ISBN 83-7444-005-8



Lillich Richard B.

International human rights : problems of law, policy, and practice / Richard B. Lillich, Howard W. Smith. - 2 ed., [2 print.]. - Boston : Little, Brown and Co., cop. 1991. - XX, 1062 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-316-52616-9



Lobban Michael

The common law and English jurisprudence 1760-1850 / Michael Lobban. - New York : Clarendon Press, 1991. - XVI, 315 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-19-825293-5



Constitutional law : cases - comments - questions / ed. by William B. Lockhart [i in.]. - 6 ed. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1986. - CXV, 1601 s. ; 26 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-98399-6



Constitutional law, the American Constitution, constitutional rights and liberties / ed. by William B. Lockhart [i in.]. - 1990 supplement to 6 ed. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1990. - XV, 443 s. ; 26 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-76480-1



Longchamps de Bérier Franciszek (1969-)

Textbook on the first amendment : freedom of speech and freedom of religion / Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier. - Bielsko Biała : Wydaw. Od.Nowa, 2014. - 576 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-63425-26-5



Loveland Ian

Constitutional law, administrative law and human rights : a critical introduction / Ian Loveland. - 3rd ed. - London : LexisNexis UK, 2003. - 731 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-4069-5952-8



Lubiszewski Maciej

Procedura wyroku pilotażowego w praktyce Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka / Maciej Lubiszewski, Jakub Czepek. - [Stan prawny na 1 października 2015 r.]. - Warszawa : Wolters Kluwer SA, 2016. - 199 s. ; 21 cm. - (Monografie / Wolters Kluwer Polska, ISSN 1897-4392)

ISBN 978-83-264-9606-6



Ludwikowska Anna M.

System prawa Stanów Zjednoczonych : prawo i prawnicy, struktura wiedzy, spory prawne / Anna M. Ludwikowska. - Toruń : Tow. Nauk. Organizacji i Kierownictwa. Dom Organizatora, 1999. - 357, [1] s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 83-87673-64-1



McCormick Charles T.

Cases and materials on federal courts / Charles T. McCormick, James H. Chadbourn, Charles Alan Wright. - 5 ed. - Mineola : Found. Press, 1970. - XXX, 776 s. ; 26 cm. - (University Casebook Series)



MacLean Robert M.

EU trade barrier regulation : tackling unfair foreign trade practices / Robert M. MacLean. - 2nd ed. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, [2006]. - 276 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-91920-5



McMullan Melanie

Transvestism, transsexualism and the law : a handbook / Melanie McMullan, Stephen Whittle. - London : Beaumont Trust, 1994. - 183 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 0-9521357-2-8



McWhinney Edward

The world court and the contemporary international law-making process / Edward McWhinney. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1979. - VII, 219 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 90-286-0908-3



The past and future of EU Law : the classics of EU law revisited on the 50th Anniversary of the Rome Treaty / ed. by Miguel Poiares Maduro and Loïc Azoulai. - Oxford : Hart, 2010. - XX, 512 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84113-712-4



Mak Chantal

Fundamental rights in European contract law : a comparison of the impact of fundamental rights on contractual relationship in Germany, the Netherlands, Italy and England / Chantal Mak. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2008. - XXXII, 364 s. ; 24 cm. - (Private Law in European Context Series ; vol. 12)

ISBN 978-90-411-2671-9



Mansfield Michael

Presumed guilty : the British legal system exposed / Michael Mansfield and Tony Wardle. - London : Mandarin, 1994. - 288 s. ; 20 cm

ISBN 0-7493-1253-X



Marzec Tymoteusz

Osobliwości amerykańskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości - casus Romana Polańskiego / Tymoteusz Marzec. - Toruń : Wydaw. Adam Marszałek, 2013. - 75 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 978-83-7780-754-5



Mason Alpheus Thomas

American constitutional law : introductory essays and selected cases / by Alpheus Thomas Mason and William M. Beaney. - New York : Prentice Hall, 1954. - XIII, 669 s. ; 23 cm



Mason Alpheus Thomas

American constitutional law : introductory essays and selected cases / Alpheus Thomas Mason, William M. Beaney. - 3rd ed. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, 1964. - X, 588 s. ; 25 cm



Mason Alpheus Thomas

American constitutional law : introductory essays and selected cases / Alpheus Thomas Mason, Donald Grier Stephenson. - 9 ed. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, cop. 1990. - XV, 574 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-13-024803-7



May Christopher N.

Constitutional law : national power and federalism : examples and explanations / Christopher N. May, Allan Ides. - 3rd ed. - New York : Aspen Publishers, 2004. - XXI, 389 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-7355-4054-3



Wybór kazusów z prawa międzynarodowego : źródła prawa międzynarodowego / red. nauk. Jerzy Menkes, Łukasz Majewski. Z. 2. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Szk. Wyższej Psychologii Społ. Academica, 2010. - 341 s. ; 21 cm. - (Temida i Życie)

ISBN 978-83-89281-92-0



Business law and the regulatory environment : concepts and cases / Michael B. Metzger [i in.]. - 6 ed. - Homewood : Irwin, 1986. - XXI, 1363, 245 s. ; 24 cm. - (Lusk Series)

ISBN 0-256-03334-X



Michałowska Katarzyna

International companion to Polish civil law : selected cases, commentary and bibliography / Katarzyna Michałowska. - Warsaw : UW. Wydz. Prawa i Administracji, 2011. - 185 s. ; 24 cm. - (School of Polish Law Series ; 2)

ISBN 978-83-63397-16-6



The European Court of Justice and the autonomy of the member states / [red.] Hans-W. Micklitz, Bruno de Witte. - Cambridge : Intersentia, 2011. - XIV, 402 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-94-000-0026-1



Miettinen Samuli

Criminal law and policy in the European Union / Samuli Miettinen. - London : Routledge, 2012. - L, 248 s. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge Research in EU Law)

ISBN 978-0-415-47426-9



Mitera Maciej

Prawo i postępowanie w sprawach o wykroczenia / Maciej Mitera. - Warszawa : Beck, 2014. - XII, 193 s. ; 24 cm. - (Kazusy Becka)

ISBN 978-83-255-6200-7



Morris Caroline

Parliamentary elections, representation and the law / Caroline Morris. - Oxford : Hart, 2012. - XVIII, 177 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84946-147-4



Making Community law : the legacy of advocate General Jacobs at the European Court of Justice / ed. by Philip Moser and Katrine Sawyer ; forew. by Christopher Bellamy. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2008. - XXIX, 269 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84720-137-9



The impact of the ECHR on democratic change in Central and Eastern Europe : judicial perspectives / ed. by Iulia Motoc and Ineta Ziemele. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016. - XXVIII, 529 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-107-13502-4



The political question doctrine and The Supreme Court of the United States / ed. by Nada Mourtada-Sabbah and Bruce E. Cain. - Lanham : Rowman and Littlefield, 2007. - VIII, 248 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-7391-1284-7



Murphy Walter F. (1929-2010)

Comparative constitutional law : cases and commentaries / Walter F. Murphy, Joseph Tanenhaus. - New York : St. Martin's Press, 1977. - XXVI, 754 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-333-23108-2



Neely Richard

How courts govern America / Richard Neely. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1981. - XVII, 233 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-300-02589-2



Nehl Hanns Peter

Principles of administrative procedure in EC law / Hanns Peter Nehl. - Oxford : Hart, 1999. - XX, 214 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-8411-3008-7



Noda Yosiyuki

Introduction to Japanese law / Yosiyuki Noda ; transl. and ed. Anthony H. Angelo. - Tokyo : Univ. of Tokyo, 1987. - XIV, 253 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 4-13-036016-7



O'Brien David M.

Constitutional law and politics / David M. O'Brien. Vol. 1 : Struggles for power and governmental accountability. - 8th ed. - New York : Norton, 2011. - XXIV, 1152 s. : il. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-393-93549-3



O'Leary Siofra

Employment law at the European Court of Justice : judical structures, policies and processes / Siofra O'Leary. - Oxford : Hart, 2002. - VII, 316 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-84113-233-0


B96358 BSE6362

Oliver Peter

Free movement of goods in the European Community : under articles 28 to 30 of the EC Treaty / by Peter Oliver ; assisted by Malcolm Jarvis. - 4th ed. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2003. - CIII, 570 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-74020-5


BSE9816 BSE9815

Oliver on free movement of goods in the European Union / [pod red.] Peter Oliver ; contr. ed. Stefan Enchelmaier i in.. - 5th ed. - Oxford : Hart, 2010. - XCIII, 534 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84113-810-7



Painter Richard W.

Employment rights : a reference handbook / Richard W. Painter and Keith Puttick. - London : Pluto Press, 1993. - 450 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-7453-0584-9



Palermo Francesco

Comparative federalism : constitutional arrangements and case law / Francesco Palermo and Karl Kössler. - Oxford : Hart, 2017. - XXIII, 478 s. ; 24 cm. - (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law)

ISBN 978-1-50990-149-4



Palmer John W. (1933-)

Constitutional rights of prisoners / John W. Palmer. - 3 ed., 4 print. - [Columbus] : Anderson Publ., 1989. - XIV, 1004 s. ; 25 cm + 1986 Suppl. to the bount vol., 34 s. - (Criminal Justice Studies)

ISBN 0-87084-691-4



Paterson A. A.

The legal system of Scotland : cases and materials / A. A. Paterson, T. St. J. N. Bates and Mark R. Poustie. - 4 ed. - Edinburgh : W. Green, 1999. - XL, 483 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-414-01273-9



Paterson Alan

Final judgment : the last Law Lords and the Supreme Court / Alan Paterson. - Oxford : Hart, 2013. - XXX, 335 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84946-383-6



Pattinson Shaun D..

Medical law and ethics / Shaun D. Pattinson. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2006. - XXXVIII, 618 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-88950-0



Phillips Owen Hood (1907-1986)

Leading cases in constitutional and administrative law / by O. Hood Phillips. - 4th ed. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 1973. - XVIII, 395 s. ; 22 cm



Phillips Owen Hood (1907-1986)

Leading cases in constitutional and administrative law / by O. Hood Phillips. - 5 ed. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 1979. - XX, 500 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-421-24980-3



Phillips Owen Hood (1907-1986)

O. Hood Phillips' leading cases in constitutional and administrative law / Owen Hood Phillips. - 6 ed. / Paul Jackson. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 1988. - XXIV, 463 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-40600-3



Pierce Richard J.

Administrative law and process / by Richard J. Pierce, Sidney A. Shapiro, Paul R. Verkuil. - 2 ed. - Westbury : Found. Press, 1992. - 565 s. ; 26 cm. - (University Textbook Series)

ISBN 0-88277-968-0



Traditional speech rights / ed. with an introd. by Madeleine Mercedes Plasencia. - New York : Garland, 1999. - XV, 355 s. ; 23 cm. - (Privacy and the Constitution ; vol. 1). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-815-331-44-4



Electronic speech rights / ed. with an introd. by Madeleine Mercedes Plasencia. - New York : Garland, 1999. - XII, 316 s. ; 23 cm. - (Privacy and the Constitution ; vol. 2). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-8153-3144-4



Privacy rights and the body / ed. with an introd. by Madeleine Mercedes Plasencia. - New York : Garland, 1999. - XII, 376 s. ; 23 cm. - (Privacy and the Constitution ; vol. 3). - (Controversies in Constitutional Law)

ISBN 0-8153-3144-4



Plender Richard

Cases and materials on the law of the European Communities / Richard Plender, John Usher ; with a foreword by Mackenzie Stuart. - London : Macmillan, 1980. - XXXV, 457 s. ; 24 cm



Prechal Sacha

Directives in European Community Law : a study of directives and their enforcement in National Courts / Sacha Prechal. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1995. - 394 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford European Community Law Series)

ISBN 0-19-826016-4


B102280 BSE7549

Prechal Sacha

Directives in EC law / Sacha Prechal. - 2nd completely rev. ed. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - XXXIV, 349 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford EC Law Library)

ISBN 0-19-826832-7



Pritchett Charles Herman

American constitutional issues / C. Herman Pritchett. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1962. - XI, 473 s. ; 24 cm. - (McGraw-Hill Series in Political Science)



Quirk William J.

Courts and Congress : America's unwritten constitution / William J. Quirk ; with a forew. by Ralph Nader. - New Brunswick : Transaction, 2008. - XVIII, 312 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-4128-0773-9



Radkiewicz Tomasz

Postępowanie cywilne : kazusy / Tomasz Radkiewicz, Piotr Skibiński ; red. nauk. Henryk Dolecki. - 3. wyd., [stan prawny na 1 października 2016 r.]. - Warszawa : Wolters Kluwer SA, 2016. - 325 s. ; 21 cm. - (Seria Akademicka / Wolters Kluwer Polska)

ISBN 978-83-8092-488-8



Rasmussen Hjalte

The European Community constitution : summaries of leading EC Court cases / Hjalte Rasmussen. - Kobenhavn : Nyt Nordisk Forlag Arnold Busck, 1989. - 283 s. ; 23 cm. - (Studies from the Institute of European Market Law ; 2)

ISBN 87-17-03543-0



Australian constitutional law : commentary and cases / Suri Ratnapala [i in.]. - Melbourne : Oxford Univ. Press, 2007. - LII, 863 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-551657-9



Reid Karen

A practitioner's guide to the European Convention on Human Rights / by Karen Reid. - [2nd ed.]. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 2004. - XCI, 648 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-87590-9



Reinhardt Michael

Konsistente Jurisdiktion : Grundlegung einer verfassungsrechtlichen Theorie der rechtsgestaltenden Rechtsprechung / von Michael Reinhardt. - Tübingen : J.C.B. Mohr, 1997. - 577 s. ; 24 cm. - (Jus Publicum, ISSN 0941-0503 ; Bd. 24)

ISBN 3-16-146791-4



Roht-Arriaza Naomi

The Pinochet effect : transnational justice in the age of human rights / Naomi Roht-Arriaza. - Philadelphia : Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2005. - XIII, 256 s. ; 24 cm. - (Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights)

ISBN 0-8122-3845-1


B125670 BSE10890

The Court of Justice and the construction of Europe : analyses and perspectives on sixty years of case-law / ed. Allan Rosas [i in.] ; Court of Justice of the European Union. - Hague : T.M.C. Asser Press, 2012. - XIV, 727 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-90-6704-896-5



Rosenberg Morton

Congress's contempt power : law, history, practice, and procedure / Morton Rosenberg and Todd B. Tatelman. - New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2008. - VII, 99 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-60456-399-3



Rubenfeld Jed

Revolution by judiciary : the structure of American constitutional law / Jed Rubenfeld. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 2005. - 241 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-6740-1715-3


B116860 BSE9670

Scheuring Krzysztof

Precedens w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej / Krzysztof Scheuring. - Warszawa : Wolters Kluwer Polska, 2010. - 306 s. ; 21 cm. - (Monografie / Wolters Kluwer Polska, ISSN 1897-4392)

ISBN 978-83-264-0277-7



Schønberg Søren J.

Legitimate expectations in administrative law / Søren J. Schønberg. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2003. - LXVII, 270 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-19-829947-8



Schwartz Bernard

Administrative law / Bernard Schwartz ; Edwin D. Webb. - 3 ed., 2 print. - Boston : Little, Brown and Co., cop. 1991. - XX, 783 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 0-316-77576-2



Schwartz Bernard

Freedom of the press / Bernard Schwartz. - New York : Facts on File, cop. 1992. - IX, 230 s. ; 24 cm. - (Constitutional Issues)

ISBN 0-8160-2505-3



Seidman Louis Michael

Silence and freedom / Louis Michael Seidman. - Stanford : Stanford Univ. Press, 2007. - X, 246 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-8047-5620-4



Shaman Jeffrey M.

Constitutional interpretation : illusion and reality / Jeffrey M. Shaman. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2001. - XVIII, 266 s. ; 24 cm. - (Contributions in Legal Studies, ISSN 0147-1074 ; no 97)

ISBN 0-3133-1473-X



Siltala Raimo

A theory of precedent : from analytical positivism to a post-analytical philosophy of law / by Raimo Siltala. - Oxford : Hart, 2000. - XV, 287 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-8411-3123-7



Simester A. P.

Simester and Sullivan's criminal law : theory and doctrine / A. P. Simester (i in.). - 4 ed.. - Oxford : Hart, 2010. - LXXXIII, 868 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84113-922-7



Simkins William Stewart (1842-1929)

A federal equity suit / William S. Simkins. - [Rochester, N.Y : Lawyers Co-op Pub. Co, 1916]. - CLXI, 979 s. ; 20 cm



The legislature and the judiciary : judicial pronouncements on Parliament and state legislatures / ed. Raghbir Singh. - New Delhi : Orient BlackSwan, 2011. - XXV, 512 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-81-250-4191-7


B77102 BSE2075#ubytek

Skoczny Tadeusz

Polish antimonopoly case law / Tadeusz Skoczny ; Centre for Competition Policy and Law Faculty of Management University of Warsaw. - Warszawa : Dom Wydaw. Elipsa, 1995. - 251 s. ; 21 cm. - (Polish Competition Law ; no 2)

ISBN 83-85466-58-4



Slapper Gary

English law / Gary Slapper, David Kelly. - 2nd ed. - London : Routledge-Cavendish, 2006. - XCII, 1009 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-85941-898-8



Slomanson William R.

Fundamental perspectives on international law / William R. Slomanson. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., cop. 1990. - 563 s. : fot., mapy ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-314-66791-1



Smith Rhona K. M.

Texts and materials on international human rights / Rhona K.M. Smith. - London : Routledge-Cavendish, 2007. - XXIX, 610 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-85941-938-0



The Constitution of the United States of America : as amended to January 1, 1923 : (annotated). - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1923. - XII, 780 s. ; 30 cm. - (Senate documents ; Vol. 3). - (Senate Document ; no. 96)



The Constitution of the United States of America : as amended to December 1, 1924 : (annotated). - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1924. - LII, 876 s. ; 30 cm. - (Senate documents ; Vol. 18). - (Senate Document ; no. 154)



The Constitution of the United States of America : analysis and interpretation. - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1953. - XXXIV, 1361 s. ; 30 cm. - (Senate Document ; no. 170)



Stychin Carl F.

Legal method : text and materials / by Carl F. Stychin. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 1999. - XXVII, 395 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-421-634-707



Sullivan Kathleen M.

Constitutional law / by Kathleen M. Sullivan, Gerald Gunther. - 15th ed. - New York : Found. Press, 2006. - LXVI, 1612, [28] s. ; 26 cm. - (University Casebook Series)

ISBN 1-58778-776-8



Sutherland William Angus

Notes on the constitution of the United States : showing the construction and operation of the constitution as determined by the Federal Supreme Court and containing references to illustrative cases from the inferior Federal Courts / William A. Sutherland. - [Wyd. faksymilowane]. - Littleton : Fred B. Rothman, 1991. - 973 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-8377-2644-1



Sources and documents of United States constitutions : second series / ed. and annot. William F. Swindler ; comp. and ed. by Donald J. Musch. Vol. 2 : National documents 1801-1825. - London : Oceana Publ., 1985. - XIV, 450 s. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-16188-5



Sources and documents of United States constitutions : second series / ed. and annot. William F. Swindler ; comp. and ed. by Donald J. Musch. Vol. 3 : National documents 1826-1900. - London : Oceana Publ., 1985. - X, 497 s. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-16190-7



Sources and documents of United States constitutions : second series / ed. and annot. William F. Swindler ; comp. and ed. by Donald J. Musch. Vol. 4 : National documents 1901-1977. - London : Oceana Publ., 1987. - V, 617 s. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-16191-5



Szpak Agnieszka

Wymuszone zaginięcia : wybrane zagadnienia / Agnieszka Szpak. - Toruń : UMK, 2009. - 220 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-231-2404-7



Ściślicki Piotr

Euthanasia in the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights / Piotr Ściślicki. - Warszawa : Warszawska Grupa Wydawnicza, 2017. - 183, [1] s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 978-83-8113-005-9



Thomas Ernest Chester

Leading cases in constitutional law / Thomas and Hood Phillips. - 8th ed. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 1947. - XXVIII, 486 s. ; 22 cm



Türk Alexander Heinrich

Judicial review in EU law / Alexander H. Türk. - Cheltenham : Edward Elgar, 2010. - XLVII, 354 s. ; 24 cm. - (Elgar European Law)

ISBN 978-1-84980-449-3



Tushnet Mark V.

A Court divided : the Rehnquist court and the future of constitutional law / Mark Tushnet. - New York : Norton, cop. 2005. - 384 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-3930-5868-9



Ulmer S. Sidney

Supreme Court policymaking and constitutional law / S. Sidney Ulmer. - New York : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1986. - XVII, 894 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-07-065747-5



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 1 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : Nations Unies, 1948. - 614 s. : wykr. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 2 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : Nations Unies, 1949. - S. 615-1369 ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 3 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : Nations Unies, 1949. - S. 1370-2231 ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 4 : Decisions of Claims Commissions Mexico-United States / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1951. - XIV, 950 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 5 : Decisions of Claims Commissions Great Britain - Mexico, France - Mexico and Germany - Mexico / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1952. - VIII, 611 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 6 : Decisions of Arbitral Tribunal Great Britain - United States and of Claims Commissions United States, Austria and Hungary and United States - Panama / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1955. - XIII, 408 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 7 : Decisions of Mixed Claims Commissions United States - Germany. Part one / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1956. - XI, 404 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 8 : Decisions of Mixed Claims Commissions United States - Germany. Part two / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1958. - XI, 520 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 9 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1959. - XV, 551 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 10 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1960. - XVI, 779 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 11 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1961. - XII, 579 s., [6] k. tabl. : mapy ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 12 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1963. - XII, 426 s. ; 24 cm



Recueil des sentences arbitrales. Vol. 13 / United Nations. - New York : United Nations, 1964. - XX, 863 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 14 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1965. - XI, 532 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 15 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1966. - XI, 548 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 16 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, [1967]. - IX, 336 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 17 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, [1968]. - XIII, 579 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 18 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, [1978]. - IX, 532 s. ; 24 cm



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 19 / United Nations. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, [1986]. - XI, 340 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 92-1-033064-1



Reports of international arbitral awards. Vol. 20 / United Nations. - New York : Nations Unies, 1994. - IX, 333 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 92-1-033069-2



Vereshchagin Alexander

Judicial law-making in post-Soviet Russia / Aleksander Vereshchagin. - New York : Routledge-Cavendish, 2007. - XXXII, 253 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-1-84472-111-5



Weston Burns H.

International law and world order : a problem-oriented coursebook / Burns H. Weston, Richard A. Falk, Anthony A. D'Amato. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1980. - LXXI, 1195 s. ; 26 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-8299-2097-8



White Robin C. A.

Workers, establishment, and services in the European Union / Robin C.A. White. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - LXIV, 285 s. ; 24 cm. - (Oxford EC Law Library)

ISBN 019-826776-2



Whyte John D.

Canadian constitutional law : cases, notes and materials / John D. Whyte, William R. Lederman. - 3 ed. / Donald F. Bur. - Toronto : Butterworths, 1992. - Ok. 1000 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-409-87605-4



Wieciech Tomasz

Konwenanse konstytucyjne / Tomasz Wieciech. - Kraków : UJ, 2011. - 268 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-233-3121-6



That eminent tribunal : judicial supremacy and the constitution / ed. Christopher Wolfe. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 2004. - VIII, 237 s. ; 23 cm. - (New Forum Books)

ISBN 0-691-11668-7



Wright Charles Alan

Handbook of the law of federal courts / Charles Alan Wright. - 3 ed. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1976. - XXII, 818 s. ; 25 cm. - (Hornbook Series)



Yarbrough Tinsley E.

The Rehnquist Court and the constitution / Tinsley E. Yarbrough. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. - XII, 306 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-19-514603-4



Commercial agency and distribution agreements : law and practice in the member states of the European Community and the European Free Trade Association / Association Internationale des Jeunes Avocats. - 2 ed. - London : Graham and Trotman, 1993. - 521 s. ; 25 cm. - (AIJA Law Library)

ISBN 1-85333-785-4



Zajadło Jerzy

Sędziowie i niewolnicy : szkice z filozofii prawa / Jerzy Zajadło. - Gdańsk : Uniw. Gdański, 2017. - 291 s. : il. ; 22 cm

ISBN 978-83-7865-533-6



Zander Michael

The law-making process / Michael Zander. - 6th ed.. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2004. - XXXV,517 s. ; 23 cm. - (The Law in Context Series / Cambridge Univ. Press)

ISBN 0-521-60989-5



Zych Tymoteusz

W poszukiwaniu pewności prawa : precedens a przewidywalność orzeczeń sądowych w tradycji prawa anglosaskiego / Tymoteusz Zych. - Toruń : UMK, 2017. - 540 s. ; 21 cm. - (Monografie Fundacji na Rzecz Nauki Polskiej)

ISBN 978-83-231-3720-7
