Rekordy dla Finland
Poland : general sketch of history 1569-1815 ; Russian Poland, Lithuania and White Russia ; Prussian Poland ; Austrian Poland ; Finland ; The Aland Islands. - London : His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1920. - Wiele liczb. ; 21 cm. - (Peace handbooks ; 8). - (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; no. 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48)
Finland : a country study / ed. Eric Solsten and Sandra W. Meditz. - [2 ed.]. - Washington : US Government Printing Office, 1990. - 446 s. : fot., mapa, rys. ; 24 cm. - (Area Handbook Series, ISSN 1057-5294)
Finland : health system review / written by Lauri Vuorenkoski ; ed. by Philipa Mladovsky and Elias Mossialos. - Copenhagen : Publ. WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2008. - XIX, 170 s. : wykr. ; 24 cm. - (Health Systems in Transition, ISSN 1817-6119 ; vol. 10, No. 4 (2008))