Rekordy dla European Convention on the international validity of criminal judgments
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
Explanatory report on the European Convention on the international validity of criminal judgments : [Convention opened for signature on 28 May 1970] / Council of Europe. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1970. - 108 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 92-871-0453-0
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
European Convention on the international validity of criminal judgments : [The Hague, 28.V.1970 / Council of Europe]. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, August 1990. - [56] s. ; 30 cm. - (European Treaty Series ; No. 70)
ISBN 92-871-0117-5
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
Konwencja Europejska o międzynarodowej ważności wyroków karnych : [Haga, 28.V.1970 / Rada Europy] ; tł. Ewa Sałkiewicz ; weryf. Igor Dzialuk. - [Warszawa] : [b.w.], [po 1990]. - 33 s. ; 30 cm