Rekordy dla On the Boundary of Two Worlds
Shrinking citizenship : discursive practices that limit democratic participation in Latvian politics / ed. by Maria Golubeva and Robert Gould. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2010. - 197 s. : wykr. ; 24 cm. - (On the Boundary of Two Worlds : identity, freedom, and moral imagination in the Baltics ; 26)
ISBN 978-90-420-3133-3
Janušauskienė Diana
Post-communist democratisation in Lithuania : elites, parties, and youth political organisations 1988-2001 / Diana Janušauskienė. - Amsterdam : Rodopi, 2011. - XV, 172 s. : wykr. ; 22 cm. - (On the Boundary of Two Worlds : identity, freedom, and moral imagination in the Baltics ; 28)
ISBN 978-90-420-3249-1