Rekordy dla Samuelis Rachelii JCti et in Illustri Holsatiae Academia Antecessoris De Jure Naturae et Gentium Dissertationes
C779.1 C779.2
Rachel Samuel (1628-1691)
Samuelis Rachelii JCti et in Illustri Holsatiae Academia Antecessoris De Jure Naturae et Gentium Dissertationes / ed. by Ludwig von Bar. Vol. 1 : A reproduction of the edition of 1676. Vol. 2 : A translation of the text, by John Pawley Bate / by John Pawley Bate. - Washington : Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1916. - 2 wol. (16, [10], 335 s., [1] k. tabl. ; 16, [2], 233 s.) : portr. ; 25 cm. - (The Classics of International Law)