Rekordy dla Report of the United Nations of the Next Decade Conference
United Nations of the Next Decade Conference, 21. 1986 (Quebec)
The United Nations: mission and management : the 21st UN of the Next Decade Conference , June 28 - July 3, 1986 / sponsored by the Stanley Foundation. - Muscatine : Stanley Foundation, 1986. - 32 s. : il. ; 22 cm. - (Report of the United Nations of the Next Decade Conference, ISSN 0748-433X ; 21)
United Nations of the Next Decade Conference, 22. 1987 (Chatham)
The United Nations and the future of internationalism : the 22nd UN of the Next Decade Conference June 21-25, 1987 / sponsored by the Stanley Foundation. - Muscatine : Stanley Foundation, 1987. - 32 s. ; 22 cm. - (Report of the United Nations of the Next Decade Conference, ISSN 0748-433X ; 22)