Rekordy dla Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union
Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union : establishing a Euro-Mediterranean partnership : communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament [COM(94) 427 final] ; Extracts of the conclusions of the presidency of the Essen European Council ; Strengthening the Mediterranean policy of the European Union : proposals for implementing a Euro-Mediterranean partnership : communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament [COM(95) 72 final] ; Financial and technical measures for Mediterranean non-member countries and territories : MEDA budget heading : proposal for a Council regulation (EC) [COM(95) 204 final] ; Extracts of the conclusions of the presidency of the Cannes European Council / European Commission. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1995. - 73 s. ; 25 cm. - (Bulletin of the European Union. Supplement ; 2/95)
ISBN 92-827-5130-3