Rekordy dla Case concerning certain phosphate lands in Nauru
Case concerning certain phosphate lands in Nauru : (Nauru v. Australia) / International Court of Justice. - Order of 13 September 1993. - [Haga] : Intern. Court of Justice, 1993. - [4] s. ; 24 cm. - (Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / International Court of Justice, ISSN 0074-4441)
ISBN 92-1-070698-6
Case concerning certain phosphate lands in Nauru : (Nauru v. Australia) / International Court of Justice. - Order of 25 June 1993. - [Haga] : Intern. Court of Justice, 1993. - 5 s. ; 24 cm. - (Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / International Court of Justice, ISSN 0074-4441)
ISBN 92-1-070694-3