Rekordy dla Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society
Autengruber Christian
Die politischen Parteien in Bulgarien und Rumänien : eine vergleichende Analyse seit Beginn der 90er Jahre / Christian Autengruber ; [mit einem Vorw. von Dorothée de Neve]. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2003. - 256 s. : wykr. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; 24)
ISBN 3-89821-476-1
Narody stran Baltii v uslovijach stalinizma (1940-e - 1950-e gody) : dokumentirovannaja istorija / pod red. Nikolaja Bugaja. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2003. - 303 s. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; 11)
ISBN 3-89821-525-3
Leitch Duncan
Assisting reform in post-communist Ukraine, 2000–2012 : the illusions of Donors and the disillusion of beneficiaries / Duncan Leitch ; with a forew. by Kataryna Wolczuk. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2016. - 250 s. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; 153)
ISBN 978-3-8382-0844-2
Makarychev Andrey
Russia and the EU in a multipolar world : discourses, identities, norms / Andrey Makarychev ; with a forew. by Klaus Segbers. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2014. - 212 s. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; 127)
ISBN 978-3-8382-0529-8
Popivanov Boris
Changing images of the left in Bulgaria : the challenge of post-communism in the early 21st century / Boris Popivanov. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2015. - XIII, 208 s. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; 145)
ISBN 978-3-8382-0717-9
Shagina Maria
Joining a prestigious club : cooperation with Europarties and its impact on party development in Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine 2004–2015 / Maria Shagina ; with a forew. by Kataryna Wolczuk. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2017. - 251 s. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; vol. 172)
ISBN 978-3-8382-1084-1
Latvia - a work in progress? : 100 years of state- and nation-building / David J. Smith (ed.). - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2017. - 320 s. ; 21 cm. - (Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society, ISSN 1614-3515 ; 142)
ISBN 978-3-8382-0648-6