Rekordy dla European Aspect
Dietz Adolf
Copyright law in the European Community : a comparative investigation of national copyright legislation, with special reference to the provisions of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community / Adolf Dietz. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Sijthoff and Noordhoff, 1978. - XXI, [1], 312 s. ; 24 cm. - (European Aspect : a collection of studies relating to European integration. Law Series ; no 20)
Johannes Hartmut
Industrial property and copyright in European Community law / by Hartmut Johannes. - Leyden : Sijthoff, 1976. - VIII, 315 s. ; 24 cm. - (European Aspect : a collection of studies relating to European integration. Law Series ; no. 17)
ISBN 90-286-0194-5
Lauwaars Richard H.
Lawfulness and legal force of community decisions : some considerations on the binding decisions which the Council and the Commission can take by virtue of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community / by R.H. Lauwaars. - Leiden : Sijthoff, 1973. - 355 s. ; 24 cm. - (European Aspect : a collection of studies relating to European integration. Series E: Law ; no 11)
ISBN 90-286-0023-X