Rekordy dla The Bill of Rights
Amar Akhil Reed
The Bill of Rights : creation and reconstruction / Akhil Reed Amar. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1998. - XV, 412 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 0-300-08277-0
Burress Richard T.
The Bill of Rights : James Madison's legacy / Richard T. Burres. - Stanford : Hoover Inst. on War, Revolution and Peace Stanford University, 1989. - 83 s. ; 23 cm
Evans Luther H.
The Bill of Rights : address and remarks on the occasion of the presentation of an original of the Bill of Rights to the Library of Congress by Barney Balaban. February 21, 1945 / by Luther H. Evans and Byron Price. - Washington : Libr. of Congress, 1945. - 13 s. ; 21 cm
Meltzer Milton
The Bill of Rights : how we got it and what it means / Milton Meltzer. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell, 1990. - XII, 179 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-690-04805-X