
Rekordy dla European Union


European Union : three anniversaries : Polish perspective / ed. by Elżbieta Czarny, Paweł Folfas. - Warsaw : SGH, 2017. - 218 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-8030-141-2



European Union / Commission of the European Communities. Directorate-General for Audiovisual, Information, Communication and Culture. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1992. - 51 s. : il., wykr. ; 23 cm. - (Europe on the Move) (European Documentation, ISSN 1017-4850)

ISBN 92-826-4298-4



European Union / European Commission. Directorate-General for Audiovisual, Information, Communication and Culture. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1994. - 50 s. : il., wykr. ; 23 cm. - (Europe on the Move) (European Documentation, ISSN 1017-4850)

ISBN 92-826-6882-7



European Union : present and future / ed. Wojciech Gizicki. - Lublin : KUL, 2009. - 196 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-7363-951-5



Unia Europejska : podstawowe wskaźniki krótkookresowe / Główny Urząd Statystyczny. - 2004 (sierpień) - 2007 (styczeń) . - Warszawa : GUS, 2004-2007. - ; 30 cm



R2044.1 R2044.2

European Union : selected instruments taken from the treaties. B. 1. Vol. 1-2. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1995. - 2t.(897 ; 591 s.) ; 18 cm

ISBN 92-824-1240-7


R1267.1 R1267.2

European Union : 1995 / World Trade Organization. Vol. 1-2. - Geneva : WTO, 1995. - 2 vol.(XX, 202 s. ; V, 124 s.) ; 30 cm. - (Trade Policy Review, ISSN 1014-7411)

ISBN 92-870-1150-8



European Union : 1997 / World Trade Organization. - Geneva : WTO, 1998. - XXVIII, 180 s. : wykr. ; 29 cm. - (Trade Policy Review, ISSN 1014-7411)


R2176.1 R2176.2

European Union : 2000 / World Trade Organization. Vol. 1-2. - Geneva : WTO, 2000. - 2 t.(184 ; 271 s.) : wykr. ; 29 cm. - (Trade Policy Review, ISSN 1014-7411)
