Rekordy dla Political Economy of International Change Series
The antinomies of interdependence : national welfare and the international division of labor / ed. by John Gerard Ruggie. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1983. - XIV, 506 s. : tab. ; 24 cm. - (Political Economy of International Change Series) (A King's Crown Paperbeck)
ISBN 0-231-05725-3
Taylor Paul Graham
The limits of European integration / Paul Taylor. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1983. - [11], 325 s. ; 22 cm. - (Political Economy of International Change Series)
ISBN 0-231-05715-8
Yoffie David B.
Power and protectionism : strategies of the newly industrializing countries / David B. Yoffie. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1983. - XI, 282 s. ; 23 cm. - (Political Economy of International Change Series)
ISBN 0-231-05551-X