Rekordy dla Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged
ZB75114 ZB75115 ZB75116
Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged : with seven language dictionary / [ed. in chief: Philip Babcock Gove]. Vol. 1-3. - Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1971. - 3 t. (72a, 3135 s.) ; 30 cm
ISBN 0-87779-001-9
C14399.1 C14399.2 C14399.3 C14399.4
Webster's third new international dictionary of the English language, unabridged : with seven language dictionary / International Committee for Soviet and East European Studies. Vol. 1-4. - Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1981-1986. - 4 t. (wiele liczb.) ; 30 cm