Rekordy dla Technology Trends Series
Technology trends in CFC and halons replacement / prep. by Sheila A. Ferguson, Warren R. Muir and John S. Young ; United Nations Industrial Development Organization. - [Wiedeń] : UNIDO, 1990. - 46 s. ; 30 cm. - (Technology Trends Series ; no 11)
Technological trends in machine tools and their implication for developing countries / prep. by S.M. Patil ; United Nations Industrial Development Organization. - [Wiedeń] : UNIDO, 1989. - 34 s. ; 30 cm. - (Technology Trends Series ; no 10)
Trends in informatics-related service industries in selected developed and developing countries / prep. by Rana K. Singh and Amar P. Singh ; United Nations Industrial Development Organization. - [Wiedeń] : UNIDO, 1992. - 101 s. ; 30 cm. - (Technology Trends Series ; no 16)