Rekordy dla Official Journal of the European Communities. Directory of Community Legislation in Force and other Acts of the Community Institutions
Directory of Community Legislation in Force and other Acts of the Community Institutions. Vol.1 : Analytical Register. Vol. 2 : Chronological Index. Alphabetical Index. - 5th ed. (as at 1 January 1984) - 37th at 31 December 2001. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1984-2001. - ; 30 cm
ISSN 1608-4551
Directory of Community Legislation in Force and other Acts of the Community Institutions [Mikroforma]. Vol.1 : Analytical Register. Vol. 2 : Chronological Index. Alphabetical Index. - 20th ed. (as at 1 December 1992) - 34 ed (1 December 1999) . - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1992 - 1999. - Mikrofisza ; 11x15 cm. - (Official Journal of the European Communities)