Rekordy dla Europejska Komisja na rzecz Demokracji przez Prawo
Enlargement of the Venice Commission : secretariat memorandum / Council of Europe. European Commission for Democracy Through Law. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1997. - 3 s. ; 30 cm
Council of Europe. European Commission for Democracy Through Law (Strasburg)
Programme of activities for 1997 / Council of Europe. European Commission for Democracy through Law. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1997. - 5 s. ; 30 cm
Propositions d'amendements du Thésaurus systématique : version 13 (provisoire) / Conseil de l 'Europe. Commission Européenne pour la Démocratie par le Droit. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 2001. - 19 k. ; 30 cm
Electoral rights in Europe : advances and challenges / ed. by Helen Hardman and Brice Dickson. - London : Routledge, 2017. - XXIV, 227 s. ; 24 cm. - (Routledge Studies in Elections, Democracy and Autocracy)
ISBN 978-1-138-20391-4
Guidelines on political party regulation : adopted by the Venice Commission at its 84th plenary session, Venice, 15-16 October 2010 / [OSCE, ODIHR; Venice Commission]. - Warsaw : OSCE, 2011. - 107 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-92-9234-804-5
Guidelines on freedom of association / [OSCE, ODIHR; Venice Commission]. - Warsaw : OSCE, 2015. - 152 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-92-9234-906-6
Rülke Steffen
Venedig-Kommission und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit : eine Untersuchung über den Beitrag des Europarates zur Verfassungsentwicklung in Mittel- und Osteuropa / Steffen Rülke. - Köln : Carl Heymanns Verl., 2003. - 226 s. ; 21 cm. - (Göttinger Studien zum Völker- und Europarecht ; Bd. 1)
ISBN 3-452-25500-X
Winkler Günther
The Council of Europe : monitoring procedures and the constitutional autonomy of the member states : a European law study, based upon documents and commentaries, illustrated by the Council of Europe's actions against the constitutional reform in Liechtenstein / Günther Winkler. - Wien : Springer, 2006. - XV, 542 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 3-211-27962-8