
Rekordy dla konstytucja USA-poprawki Zobacz: poprawka do konstytucji USA

B68678 B71516

Abraham Henry Julian

Freedom and the court : civil rights and liberties in the United States / Henry J. Abraham. - 5 ed. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. - XVI, 587 s. ; 21 cm.

ISBN 0-19-505516-0



Abramson Paul R.

Sexual rights in America : the ninth amendment and the pursuit of happiness / Paul R. Abramson, Steven D. Pinkerton, Mark Huppin. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 2003. - V, 227 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-8147-06924


B130727 B83185#ubytek

Amar Akhil Reed

The constitution and criminal procedure : first principles / Akhil Reed Amar. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1997. - XI, 272 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-300-06678-3



Amar Akhil Reed

The Bill of Rights : creation and reconstruction / Akhil Reed Amar. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1998. - XV, 412 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 0-300-08277-0



Amar Akhil Reed

America's Constitution : a biography / Akhil Reed Amar. - New York : Random House, 2005. - XII, 657 s. : il. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-4000-6262-4



The first amendment, freedom of speech : its constitutional history and the contemporary debate / ed. by Vikram David Amar. - Amherst : Prometheus Books, 2009. - 304 s. ; 23 cm. - (The Bill of Rights Series / Prometheus Books)

ISBN 978-1-59102-632-7



Anastaplo George

The amendments to the Constitution : a commentary / George Anastaplo. - Baltimore : The Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 1995. - 466 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8018-4959-4



Baker C. Edwin

Human liberty and freedom of speech / C. Edwin Baker. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, cop. 1989. - VIII, 385 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-507902-7



Redesigning the state : the politics of constitutional change / ed. by Keith G. Banting and Richard Simeon. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1985. - XII, 257 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-8020-6569-4



Barnett Randy E.

Restoring the lost constitution : the presumption of liberty / Randy E. Barnett. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, cop. 2004. - XV, 366 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-6911-1585-0



Berger Raoul

Government by judiciary : the transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment / Raoul Berger. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 1977. - X, 483 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-674-35795-7



Bowles Nigel

Government and politics of the United States / Nigel Bowles. - 2 ed. - Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1998. - XIX, 473 s. ; 24 cm. - (Comparative Government and Politics)

ISBN 0-333-69486-4



Burress Richard T.

The Bill of Rights : James Madison's legacy / Richard T. Burres. - Stanford : Hoover Inst. on War, Revolution and Peace Stanford University, 1989. - 83 s. ; 23 cm



Caplan Russell L.

Constitutional brinksmanship : amending the constitution by national convention / Russell L. Caplan. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1988. - XXII, 240 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-19-505573-X



Carroll William A.

American constitutional rights : cases, documents, and commentary / William A. Carroll, Norman B. Smith. - Lanham : Univ. Press of America, 1991. - 785 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8191-8260-5



Chase Harold W.

1979 supplement to Edward S. Corwin's the Constitution and what it means today : Supreme Court decisions of 1977, 1978, and 1979 / by Harold W. Chase, Craig R. Ducat. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1979. - 152 s. ; 23 cm



Chemerinsky Erwin

Constitutional law / Erwin Chemerinsky. - 2nd ed. - New York : Aspen Publishers, 2005. - LIV, 1574 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 0-7355-4946-X



Freeing the presses : the First Amendment in action / ed. by Timothy E. Cook. - Baton Rouge : Louisiana State Univ., 2006. - VIII, 187 s. ; 23 cm. - (Politics@media)

ISBN 0-8071-3168-7



Cortner Richard C.

The Supreme Court and the second bill of rights : the fourteenth amendment and the nationalization of civil liberties / Richard C. Cortner. - Madison : Univ. of Wisconsin, 1981. - XI, 360 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-299-08390-X



Corwin Edward Samuel (1878-1963)

The constitution and what it means today / by Edward S. Corwin. - [11th ed., completely revised]. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1954. - XIV, 340 s. ; 22 cm



Corwin Edward Samuel (1878-1963)

Understanding the Constitution / Edward S. Corwin, Jack W. Peltason. - 3rd ed. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1966. - XI, 178 s. ; 21 cm



Corwin Edward Samuel (1878-1963)

Edward S. Corwin's The constitution and what it means today / rev. by Harold W. Chase and Craig R. Ducat. - 14 ed. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1978. - XV, 673 s. ; 24 cm



Corwin Edward Samuel (1878-1963)

Edward S. Corwin's The constitution and what it means today / rev. by Harold W. Chase and Craig R. Ducat. - 14 ed. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1990. - XV, 673 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-691-02758-7



Currie David P.

The constitution in the Supreme Court : the first hundred years : 1789-1888 / David P. Currie. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago, 1985. - 504 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-226-13108-4



Currie David P.

The constitution in the supreme court : the second century : 1888-1986 / David P. Currie. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago, 1990. - 668 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-226-13111-4



Evans Luther H.

The Bill of Rights : address and remarks on the occasion of the presentation of an original of the Bill of Rights to the Library of Congress by Barney Balaban. February 21, 1945 / by Luther H. Evans and Byron Price. - Washington : Libr. of Congress, 1945. - 13 s. ; 21 cm



Constitutional culture and democratic rule / ed. by John Ferejohn, Jack N. Rakove, Jonathan Riley. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2001. - XI, 414 s. ; 23 cm. - (Murphy Institute Studies in Political Economy)

ISBN 0-5217-9370-X



Fletcher George P.

Our secret constitution : how Lincoln redefined American democracy / George P. Fletcher. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2001. - XI, 292 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-514142-3



Friendly Fred W.

Minnesota rag : the dramatic story of the landmark Supreme Court case that gave new meaning to freedom of press / Fred W. Friendly. - New York : Random House, 1981. - 233 s.,[4] k. tabl. ; 22 cm



Gangi William

Saving the constitution from the courts / William Gangi. - Norman : Univ. of Oklahoma, 1995. - XXIII, 326 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-8061-2732-5



Garry Patrick M.

Rediscovering a lost freedom : the First Amendment right to censor unwanted speech / Patrick M. Garry. - New Brunswick : Transaction, 2006. - IX, 166 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-7658-0322-4



Goldstein Joseph

The intelligible constitution : the Supreme Court's obligation to maintain the Constitution as something we the people can understand / Joseph Goldstein. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1992. - 201 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-19-507328-2



Graham Hugh Davis

The civil rights era : origins and development of national policy 1960-1972 / Hugh Davis Graham. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1990. - X, 578 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-19-504531-9



Justice Hugo Black and the First Amendement / ed. by Everette E. Dennis, Donald M. Gillmor, David L. Grey. - Ames : Iowa State Univ. Press, 1978. - VII, 204 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-8138-1905-9



Grimes Alan Pendleton

Democracy and the amendments to the constitution / Alan P. Grimes. - Lexington : Lexington Books, [1979]. - XI 191 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-669-02344-2



Heideking Jürgen

Die Verfassung vor dem Richterstuhl : Vorgeschichte und Ratifizierung der amerikanischen Verfassung 1787-1791 / Jürgen Heideking. - Berlin : Walter de Gruyter, 1988. - XLI, 1008 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 3-11-011604-9



Hottelier Michel

Le Bill of Rights et son application aux états américains : étude de droit constitutionnel des États-Unis, avec des éléments comparatifs de droit suisse / Michel Hottelier. - Bâle : Helbing und Lichtenhahn, 1995. - 183 s. ; 23 cm. - (Collection Genevoise)

ISBN 3-7190-1417-7



Israel Jerold H.

Criminal procedure and the constitution : leading Supreme Court cases and introductory text / Jerold H. Israel, Yale Kamisar, Wayne R. LaFave. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1989. - XXXVII, [3], 728, [3] s. ; 25 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-57223-6


C15456 C9615

The Constitution of the United States of America : analysis and interpretation : annotations of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to July 2, 1982 / prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Library of Congress ; ed. John H. Kilian. - Washington : US Government Printing Office, 1987. - XXXVIII, 2308 s. ; 29 cm



The Constitution of the United States of America : analysis and interpretation : analysis of cases decided by the Supreme Court of the United States to June 28, 2002 / prepared by the Congressional Research Service. Library of Congress ; ed. John H. Kilian [i in.]. - Washington : US Government Printing Office, 2004. - XXII, 2607 s. ; 29 cm

ISBN 0-16-072379-5



Krotoszynski Ronald J.

The first amendment in cross-cultural perspective : a comparative legal analysis of the freedom of speech / Ronald J. Krotoszynski. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 2006. - XVI, 299 s. ; 23 cm. - (Critical America)

ISBN 978-0-8147-4787-2



Konstytucja Stanów Zjednoczonych Ameryki / wstęp. i tłum. Małgorzata Król-Bogomilska. - Warszawa : Beartig, 1992. - 59 s. ; 21 cm



Unintended consequences of constitutional amendment / ed. by David E. Kyvig. - Athens (Georgia) : Univ. of Georgia, 2000. - 260 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8203-2191-5



A culture of rights : the Bill of Rights in philosophy, politics, and law - 1791 and 1991 / ed. by Michael J. Lacey and Knud Haakonssen. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1993. - 474 s. ; 24 cm. - (Woodrow Wilson Center Series)

ISBN 0-521-41637-X



Levy Leonard Williams (1923-)

Origins of the fifth amendment : the right against self-incrimination / Leonard W. Levy. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 1968. - XIII, 561 s. ; 24 cm



Levy Leonard Williams (1923-)

Original intent and the framers' constitution / Leonard W. Levy. - New York : Macmillan, 1988. - XVIII, 525 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-02-918791-5



Levy Leonard Williams (1923-)

The establishment clause : religion and the First Amendment / Leonard W. Levy. - 2 ed. rev. - Chapel Hill : Univ. of North Carolina, 1994. - 273 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-8078-4466-7



Levy Leonard Williams (1923-)

Origins of the Bill of Rights / Leonard W. Levy. - New Haven : Yale Univ. Press, 1999. - XII, 306 s. ; 22 cm. - (Contemporary Law Series)

ISBN 0-300-07802-1



The framing and ratification of the constitution / Leonard W. Levy and Dennis J. Mahoney ed. - New York : Macmillan, 1987. - XI, 395 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 0-02-918790-7



Livingston William S.

Federalism and constitutional change / by William S. Livingston. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1956. - X, 380 s. ; 22 cm



Longchamps de Bérier Franciszek (1969-)

Textbook on the first amendment : freedom of speech and freedom of religion / Franciszek Longchamps de Bérier. - Bielsko Biała : Wydaw. Od.Nowa, 2014. - 576 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-83-63425-26-5



Louis Hans Walter

Datenschutz und Informationsrecht in den USA : eine Darstellung der Gesetzgebung des Bundes / Hans Walter Louis. - München : Schweitzer, 1984. - XXX, 153 s. ; 21 cm. - (EDV und Recht ; Bd. 13)

ISBN 3-88709-078-0



Importing the first amendment : freedom of expression in American, English and European Law / ed. by Ian Loveland. - Oxford : Hart, 1998. - 198 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 1-901362-28-0



McAffee Thomas B.

Powers reserved for the people and the states : a history of the ninth and tenth amendments / Thomas B. McAffee, Jay S. Bybee, and A. Christopher Bryant. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2006. - XVI, 290 s. ; 23 cm. - (Reference Guides to the United States Constitution, ISSN 1539-8986 ; no. 18)

ISBN 0-313-31372-5



Maltz Earl M.

Civil rights, the constitution, and Congress, 1863-1869 / Earl M. Maltz. - [Lawrence] : Univ. Press of Kansas, 1990. - XIII, 198 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-7006-0467-7



Mason Alpheus Thomas

American constitutional law : introductory essays and selected cases / by Alpheus Thomas Mason and William M. Beaney. - New York : Prentice Hall, 1954. - XIII, 669 s. ; 23 cm



Mason Alpheus Thomas

American constitutional law : introductory essays and selected cases / Alpheus Thomas Mason, William M. Beaney. - 3rd ed. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, 1964. - X, 588 s. ; 25 cm



Mason Alpheus Thomas

American constitutional law : introductory essays and selected cases / Alpheus Thomas Mason, Donald Grier Stephenson. - 9 ed. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice Hall, cop. 1990. - XV, 574 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-13-024803-7



The Heritage guide to the Constitution : d. Edwin Meese III. - Washington : Heritage Foundation, 2005. - IX, 475 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 1-59698-001-X



Meltzer Milton

The Bill of Rights : how we got it and what it means / Milton Meltzer. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell, 1990. - XII, 179 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-690-04805-X



Moderne Franck

Réviser la Constitution : analyse comparative d'un concept indéterminé / Franck Moderne. - Paris : Dalloz, 2006. - 107 s. ; 24 cm. - (Thèmes et Commentaires. Études)

ISBN 2-247-06530-9



Fundamentals of American law / ed. by Alan B. Morrison. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1996. - LXVIII, 666 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-876405-7



Mussatti James

The Constitution of the United States : our charter of liberties / James Mussatti. - New York : D. Van Nostrand Comp., 1960. - IX, 222 s. : rys. ; 24 cm



Nelson William E.

Liberty and community : constitution and rights in the early American republic / by William Nelson and Robert C. Palmer ; with an introd. by Frederick Schauer ; New York Univ. School of Law. Linden Studies in Legal History. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1987. - 155 s. ; 25 cm. - (New York University School of Law Series in Legal History)

ISBN 0-379-20824-5



Norton Thomas James

The Constitution of the United States : its sources and its application / Thomas James Norton. - [11th printing]. - New York : America's Future, 1946. - XV, 319 s., [9] k. tabl. : il. ; 18 cm



The United States Constitution : 200 years of anti-federalist, abolitionist, feminist, muckraking, progressive, and especially socialist criticism / ed. by Bertell Ollman and Jonathan Birnbaum. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 1990. - IX, [1], 332 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-8147-6170-4



Peltason Jack Walter

Understanding the Constitution / J. W. Peltason. - 10th ed. - New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1985. - IX, 338 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-03-071176-2



Perry Michael J.

We the people : the fourteenth amendment and the Supreme Court / Michael J. Perry. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 1999. - VIII, 275 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-19-512362-X



Interpreting the constitution : the debate over original intent / ed. by Jack N. Rakove. - Boston : Northeastern Univ. Press, cop. 1990. - X, 357 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 1-55553-079-6



Ritter Gretchen

The constitution as social design : gender and civic membership in the American constitutional order / Gretchen Ritter. - Stanford : Stanford Univ. Press, 2006. - XI, 381 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-8047-5438-5



Rusinowa Izabella

Z dziejów amerykańskich partii politycznych / Izabella Rusinowa. - Warszawa : Egross, 1994. - 356 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-85253-52-1



Ryszka Elżbieta

The US federal system of government / Elżbieta Ryszka. - Wyd. 3. - Warszawa : PWN, 1981. - 125 s. ; 24 cm. - (Wiedza o krajach angielskiego obszaru językowego)

ISBN 83-01-00889-X



Political thought in the United States : a documentary history / ed. by Lyman Tower Sargent. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 1997. - 428 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8147-8048-2



Schwartz Bernard

The Fourteenth amendment : centennial volume / ed. by Bernard Schwartz. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 1970. - VI, 233 s. ; 24 cm



Schweber Howard

Speech, conduct and the first amendment / Howard Schweber. - New York : Peter Lang, 2003. - 421 s. ; 23 cm. - (Teaching Texts in Law and Politics, ISSN 1083-3447 ; vol. 14)

ISBN 0-8204-5295-5



Seidman Louis Michael

Silence and freedom / Louis Michael Seidman. - Stanford : Stanford Univ. Press, 2007. - X, 246 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-0-8047-5620-4



Shaw Stephen K.

The ninth amendment : preservation of the constitutional mind / Stephen K. Shaw. - New York : Garland, 1990. - 215 s. ; 24 cm. - (Distinguished Studies in American Legal and Constitutional History)

ISBN 0-8240-0030-7



Shiffrin Steven H.

The first amendment : cases-comments-questions / by Steven H. Shiffrin, Jesse H. Choper. - St. Paul : West Publ. Co., 1991. - 759 s. ; 25 cm. - (American Casebook Series)

ISBN 0-314-83408-7



St. John Jeffrey

A child of fortune : a correspondent's report on the ratification of the U.S. Constitution and battle for a Bill of Rights / Jeffrey St. John ; foreword by Warren E. Burger. - Ottawa : Jameson Books, 1990. - XXV, 392 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-915463-56-3



The Declaration of Indepedence and the Constitution of the United States of America / House of Representatives. - [Waszyngton] : United States Government Printing Office, 1974. - 54 s. ; 23 cm. - (House Document / United States. Congress. House of Representatives ; no 93-415)



Stany Zjednoczone. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment

Science, technology and the contitution : background paper / [Office of Technology Assessment]. - Washington : Congress of the U.S. Office of Technology Assessment, 1987. - VI, 23 s. ; 26 cm



The Constitution of the United States of America : as amended to January 1, 1923 : (annotated). - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1923. - XII, 780 s. ; 30 cm. - (Senate documents ; Vol. 3). - (Senate Document ; no. 96)



The Constitution of the United States of America : as amended to December 1, 1924 : (annotated). - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1924. - LII, 876 s. ; 30 cm. - (Senate documents ; Vol. 18). - (Senate Document ; no. 154)



The Constitution of the United States of America : analysis and interpretation. - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1953. - XXXIV, 1361 s. ; 30 cm. - (Senate Document ; no. 170)



Ratification of the twenty-first amendment to the constitution of the United States / Departament of State. - Washington : Gov. Print. Office, 1934. - 23 s. ; 26 cm



The Bill of Rights in the modern state / ed. by Geoffrey R. Stone, Richard A. Epstein and Cass R. Sunstein. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago, cop. 1992. - VIII, 583 s. ; 26 cm

ISBN 0-226-77532-1



Sutherland William Angus

Notes on the constitution of the United States : showing the construction and operation of the constitution as determined by the Federal Supreme Court and containing references to illustrative cases from the inferior Federal Courts / William A. Sutherland. - [Wyd. faksymilowane]. - Littleton : Fred B. Rothman, 1991. - 973 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-8377-2644-1



Sources and documents of United States constitutions : second series / ed. and annot. William F. Swindler ; comp. and ed. by Donald J. Musch. Vol. 2 : National documents 1801-1825. - London : Oceana Publ., 1985. - XIV, 450 s. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-16188-5



Sources and documents of United States constitutions : second series / ed. and annot. William F. Swindler ; comp. and ed. by Donald J. Musch. Vol. 3 : National documents 1826-1900. - London : Oceana Publ., 1985. - X, 497 s. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-16190-7



Sources and documents of United States constitutions : second series / ed. and annot. William F. Swindler ; comp. and ed. by Donald J. Musch. Vol. 4 : National documents 1901-1977. - London : Oceana Publ., 1987. - V, 617 s. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-16191-5



Tribe Laurence H.

On reading the constitution / Laurence H. Tribe and Michael C. Dorf. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 1991. - 144 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 0-674-63626-0



Tsesis Alexander

The Thirteenth Amendment and American freedom : a legal history / Alexander Tsesis. - New York : New York Univ. Press, 2004. - X, 229 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8147-8276-0



West Robin

Progressive constitutionalism : reconstructing the Fourteenth Amendment / Robin West. - Durham : Duke Univ. Press, 1994. - 359 s. ; 24 cm. - (Constitutional Conflicts)

ISBN 0-8223-1525-4



Williams Andy

US government and politics / Andy Williams. - Oxford : Heinemann, 1996. - VI, 201 s. ; 27 cm. - (Heinemann Introductory Politics)

ISBN 0-435-33155-8



Witte John

Religion and the American constitutional experiment : essential rights and liberties / John Witte. - Boulder : Westview Press, 2000. - XIV, 379 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-8133-3306-7



Yalof David Alistair

The First Amendment and the media in the court of public opinion / David A. Yalof, Kenneth Dautrich. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2002. - XII, 155 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-521-01181-7



Guide to the Congress of the United States : origins, history and procedure. - Washington : Congressional Quarterly Service, 1973. - XXXI, 639, 323a, 21 b s. ; 30 cm



Constitution of the United States ; Constitution of the State of California, 1879 : as last amended November 5, 1974 and related documents 1975-1976 / California State Senate. - [Sakramento] : California State Senate, 1975. - 225 s. ; 22 cm



The Constitution of the United States of America. - New York : Barnes and Noble, 1995. - 127 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 0-76070-076-1
