Rekordy dla Kalifornia
Bajcar Adam
Kalifornia ; Los Angeles / Adam Bajcar. - Warszawa : Sport i Turystyka, (1984). - 179 s. : il ; 24 cm
Constitution of the United States : Magna Carta, Mayflower Compact, Declaration of Rights, Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation ; Constitution of the State of California : as last amended November 8, 1988 : act for the admission of California into the Union / Willie L. Brown. - Sacramento : California Legislature Assembly, 1989. - VII, 264 s. ; 22 cm
Contiades Xenophon
Participatory constitutional change : the people as amenders of the constitution / ed. by Xenophon Contiades and Alkmene Fotiadou. - London : Routledge, 2016. - IX, [3], 212 s. ; 24 cm. - (Comparative Constitutional Change)
ISBN 978-1-472-47869-6
Grodin Joseph R.
In pursuit of justice : reflections of a state supreme court justice / Joseph R. Grodin ; with a forew. by William J. Brennan, jr. - Berkeley : Univ. of California, 1989. - XXI, 209 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-520-06654-5
Hyink Bernard L.
Politics and government in California / Bernard L. Hyink, Seymon Brown, Ernest W. Thacker. - New York : Thomas Y. Crowell, 1959. - 244 s. : fot., mapy, wykr. ; 21 cm
Jones Herbert C. (1880-1970)
The first legislature of California : address by senator Herbert C. Jones before California Historical Society, San Jose, December 10, 1949. - San Jose : Senate of the State of California, [1974]. - 18 s. ; 23 cm
Kroeber Teodora
Ishi człowiek dwóch światów / Teodora Kroeber ; z przedm. Lewisa Gannetta ; przeł. Janina Mroczkowska. - Kraków : Wydaw. Literackie, 1978. - 208 s., [8] k. tabl. : fot. ; 21 cm
Möckli Silvano
Direkte Demokratie : ein Vergleich der Einrichtungen und Verfahren in der Schweiz und Kalifornien, unter Berücksichtigung von Frankreich, Italien, Dänemark, Irland, Österreich, Liechtenstein und Australien. - Bern : Haupt, 1994. - 436 s. ; 23 cm. - (St. Galler Studien zur Politikwissenschaft ; Bd. 16)
ISBN 3-258-04937-8
Papadopoulos Yannis
Démocratie directe / Yannis Papadopoulos. - Paris : Économica, 1998. - X, 329 s. ; 24 cm. - (Collection Politique Comparée)
ISBN 2-7178-3770-1
Wilson Dotson E.
California's legislature / by E. Dotson Wilson and Brian S. Ebbert. - Sacramento : California State Assembly, 1998. - 285 s. : il. ; 23 cm
Constitution of the United States ; Constitution of the State of California, 1879 : as last amended November 5, 1974 and related documents 1975-1976 / California State Senate. - [Sakramento] : California State Senate, 1975. - 225 s. ; 22 cm
Kalifornia : Las Vegas, Reno, Baja California. - Warszawa : GeoCenter International, 1996. - 256 s. : fot. kolor., mapy ; 19 cm. - (Nelles Guide)
ISBN 83-86146-05-2