Rekordy dla konstytucja Kanady
Ajzenstat Janet
The Canadian founding : John Locke and parliament / Janet Ajzenstat. - Montreal : McGill Univ. Press, 2007. - XVI, 199 s. ; 23 cm. - (McGill-Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas ; 44)
ISBN 978-0-7735-3224-3
Canada in the world : comparative perspectives on the Canadian constitution / ed. by Richard Albert, David R. Cameron. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2018. - XII, 470 s. ; 24 cm. - (Comparative Constitutional Law and Policy)
ISBN 978-1-108-41973-4
The Meech Lake primer : conflicting views of the 1987 Constitutional Accord / ed. by Michael D. Behiels ; with a foreword by Eugene Forsey. - Repr. - Ottawa : Univ. of Ottawa, 1990. - XXIV, 564 s. : il. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-7766-0230-6
Constitutions of the countries of the world / ed. by A. P. Blaustein and G. H. Flanz. Vol. 3 : Brunei Darussalam - Chile. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1989. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-379-00467-4
Brooks Stephen
Canadian democracy : an introduction / Stephen Brooks. - Toronto : McClelland and Stewart, 1994. - 412 s. : fot., rys. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-7710-1677-8
Brooks Stephen
Canadian democracy / Stephen Brooks. - 7th ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2012. - XX, 602 s. : il., wykr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 978-0-19-544155-0
Cheffins Ronald I.
The revised Canadian constitution : politics as law / Ronald I. Cheffins, Patricia A. Johnson. - Toronto : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., cop. 1986. - 244 s. ; 23 cm. - (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Series in Canadian Politics)
ISBN 0-07-548842-6
Dawson Robert MacGregor (1895-1958)
Davson's the Government of Canada / Robert MacGregor Dawson. - Ed. 6 / Norman Ward. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1987. - IX, 373 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-8020-5731-4
Dawson Robert MacGregor (1895-1958)
Democratic government in Canada / R. MacGregor Dawson and W.F. Dawson. - 5 ed. / rev. by Norman Ward. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, cop. 1989. - 152 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-8020-6703-4
Domenichelli Luisa
Constitution et régime linguistique en Belgique et au Canada / par Luisa Domenichelli. - Bruxelles : Établissements Émile Bruylant, 1999. - 153 s. ; 23 cm. - (Les Inédits de Droit Public)
ISBN 2-8027-1251-9
The constitutions of the Americas (as of January, 1948) : (as of January 1, 1948) / ed.-in-chief Russell H. Fitzgibbon. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago, 1948. - XX, 847 s. ; 24 cm
Constitutions of the countries of the world / ed. by A. P. Blaustein and G. H. Flanz. Vol. 3 : Federativ Republic of Brazil - Chile. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1992. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-379-00467-4
Constitutions of the countries of the world / Gisbert H. Flanz ed., Patricie H. Warf assoc.ed. Vol. 4 : Canada - Comoros. - New York : Oceana Publ., 2003. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-379-00467-4
Forsey Eugene A.
Les Canadiens et leur système de gouvernement / par Eugene A. Forsey. - 2 éd. - [Ottawa] : Min. des Approvisionnements et Services Canada, 1988. - III, 72 s. : il. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-662-92447-9
Forsey Eugene A.
How Canadians govern themselves / Eugene A. Forsey. - 2 ed. - [Ottawa] : Min. of Supply and Services, 1988. - III, 66 s. : il. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-662-13001-4
Politics : Canada / [oprac.] Paul W. Fox, Graham White. - 6 ed. - Toronto : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1987. - 670 s. ; 23 cm. - (McGraw-Hill Ryerson Series in Canadian Politics)
ISBN 0-07-549211-3
Interpreting constitutions : a comparative study / ed. by Jeffrey Goldsworthy. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2007. - XVI, 353 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 978-0-19-922647-4
Harder Lois
Patriation and its consequences : constitution making in Canada / ed. by Lois Harder and Steve Patten. - Vancouver : Univ. of British Columbia Press, 2015. - IX, [5], 342 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-0-7748-2862-8
Jackson Robert J.
Contemporary Canadian politics : readings and notes / Robert J. Jackson, Doreen Jackson, Nicolas Baxter-Moore. - Scarborough : Prentice Hall, 1987. - XII, 416 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-13-170689-6
Jackson Robert J.
Politics in Canada : culture, institutions, behaviour and public policy / Robert J. Jackson, Doreen Jackson. - 2nd ed. - Scarborough : Prentice Hall, 1990. - 776 s. : il., tab., wykr. ; 28 cm
ISBN 0-13-684218-6
Renforcement de la fédération canadienne : la modification constitionnelle de 1987 / Gouvernement du Canada. - [Ottawa] : Gouvernement du Canada, 1987. - 22 s. ; 28 cm
The constitutions that shaped us : a historical anthology of pre-1867 Canadian constitutions / ed. by Guy Laforest [i in.]. - Montreal : McGill-Queen's Univ. Press, 2015. - VIII, 362 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 978-0-7735-4607-3
B75110.1 B75110.2
Laskin Bora
Laskin's Canadian constitutional law / [Bora Laskin]. Vol.1-2. - 5 ed. / Neil Finkelstein. - Toronto : Carswell, 1986. - 2 vol. (1501 s.) ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-459-38450-3
Livingston William S.
Federalism and constitutional change / by William S. Livingston. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1956. - X, 380 s. ; 22 cm
Lorenz Astrid
Verfassungsänderungen in etablierten Demokratien : Motivlagen und Aushandlungsmuster / Astrid Lorenz. - Wiesbaden : VS, Verl. für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008. - 456 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-3-531-15667-5
MacDonald Ronald St. J. (1928-2006)
The practice of freedom : Canadian essays on human rights and fundamental freedoms / R. St. J. Macdonald, John P. Humphrey. - Toronto : Butterworths, 1979. - XX, 460 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-409-84801-8
Constitutional amendment in Canada / ed. by Emmett Macfarlane. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 2016. - X, 337 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 978-1-4426-2873-1
Milne David
The Canadian Constitution : the players and the issues in the process that has led from patriation to Meech Lake to an uncertain future / David Milne. - Toronto : James Lorimer and Co., 1991. - 374 s. ; 19 cm. - (Canadian Issues Series)
ISBN 1-55028-229-8
The Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on the Constitution of Canada : final report / Gildas L. Molgat, Mark MacGuigan. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer for Canada, 1972. - VII, 128, VII, 128 s. ; 27 cm
Monahan Patrick
Politics and the constitution : the charter, federalism and the Supreme Court of Canada / Patrick Monahan. - Toronto : Carswell, 1987. - 260 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-459-30321-X
Moors Christiane
Die Rolle von Verfassung und Verfassungsgerichtsbarkeit in der politischen Auseinandersetzung in den USA und Kanada am Beispiel des Schwangerschaftsabbruchs / von Christiane Moors. - Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 1997. - 248 s. : rys. ; 23 cm. - (Schriften zum Öffentlichen Recht, ISSN 0582-0200 ; Bd. 733)
ISBN 3-428-09047-0
Oliver Peter Crawford
The constitution of independence : the development of constitutional theory in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand / Peter C. Oliver. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2005. - XX, 367 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0198268955
B85481 B85480 B85482 BSE4049
Konstytucja Kanady / wstęp i tł. Joachim Osiński, Izabela Zawiślińska ; Biblioteka Sejmowa. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 1998. - 117 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 83-7059-397-6
Russell Peter H.
Constitutional odyssey : can Canadians become a sovereing people ? / Peter H. Russell. - 2 ed. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1993. - 317 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 0-8020-6997-5
Kanada in der Krise : Analysen zum Verfassungs-, Wirtschafts- und Parteiensystemwandel seit den 80er Jahren / hrsg. von Rainer-Olaf Schultze, Steffen Schneider ; unter Mitarb. von Claudia Glöckner. - Bochum : Universitätsverl. Dr. N. Brockmeyer, 1997. - 454 s. ; 21 cm. - (Kanada-Studien ; Bd. 20)
ISBN 3-8196-0545-2
Scott Frank R.
Essays on the constitution : aspects of Canadian law and politics / Frank R. Scott. - Toronto : Univ. of Toronto, 1977. - XIV, 422 s. ; 23 cm. - (Aspects of Canadian Law and Politics)
ISBN 0-8020-6297-0
Van Loon Richard J.
The Canadian political system : environment, structure and process / Richard J. Van Loon, Michael S. Whittington. - 4 ed. - Toronto : McGraw-Hill Book Comp., 1987. - 879 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-07-549073-0
Waluchow Wilfrid J.
A common law theory of judicial review : the living tree / W.J. Waluchow. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2007. - X, 283 s. ; 23 cm. - (Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Law)
ISBN 0521864763
Webber Jeremy
The constitution of Canada : a contextual analysis / Jeremy Webber. - Oxford : Hart, 2015. - XXII, 282 s. ; 22 cm. - (Constitutional Systems of the World)
ISBN 978-1-84113-363-8
The Task Force on Canadian Unity : a future together : observations and recommendations. - [Hull] : Min. of Supply and Services, 1979. - 152 s. ; 30 cm
ISBN 0-662-10313-0
Text of the resolution respecting the Constitution of Canada adopted by the House of Commons on December 2, 1981. - Ottawa : Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre, 1981. - 24 s. ; 27 cm
Notice of motion given by the Minister of Justice on November 18, 1981. - [Ottawa : Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre, 1982]. - 24 s. ; 27 cm
Konstitucii zarubežnych gosudarstv. - Izd. 2, isprav. i dop. - Moskva : Bek, 1997. - XXII, 561 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 5-85639-189-6