
Rekordy dla Azja Zachodnia


Fudała Piotr

Budowanie parlamentaryzmu : doświadczenia z Afganistanu, Iraku i Kurdystanu Irackiego / Piotr Fudała, Łukasz Fyderek, Renata Kurpiewska-Korbut. - Kraków : Księg. Akademicka, 2012. - 200 s. ; 24 cm. - (Societas / Księgarnia Akademicka)

ISBN 978-83-7638-320-0



Popko Maciej

Huryci / Maciej Popko. - Warszawa : PIW, 1992. - 205, [3] s., [24] s. tabl. : fot., rys. ; 21 cm

ISBN 83-06-02114-2


C12219.7 C12240.7

Przeworski Stefan

Azja Zachodnia / Stefan Przeworski. - Warszawa : nakł. Księg. Trzaski, Everta i Michalskiego, [1936]. - VIII, 285 s., [18] k. tabl. : il., fot., mapy ; 30 cm. - (Wielka Geografia Powszechna / Trzaska, Evert i Michalski)



West Asia / UNCTAD. - New York : United Nations, 1997. - LIV, 138 s. ; 30 cm. - (World Investment Directory : foreign direct inwestment, legal framework and corporate data ; vol. 6)

ISBN 92-1-104476-6



Towards cleaner production in the oil and gas industry in the ESCWA countries / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : United Nations, 1996. - 53 s. ; 30 cm



Statistical abstract of the ESCWA region / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - 16 issue. - New York : United Nations, 1996. - XI, 484 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-128174-1



External trade bulletin of ESCWA region / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : United Nations, 1996. - XI, 378 s. : wykr. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-128173-3



National accounts studies of the ESCWA region / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : United Nations, 1996. - XXI, 186 s. ; 30 cm. - (Bulletin / United Nations. Economic and Social Commision for Western Asia ; no 16)

ISBN 92-1-12172-5



Selected social trends in the ESCWA region / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : United Nations, 1997. - 134 s. ; 25 cm



Demographic and related socio-economic data sheets : for countries of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia as assessed in 1996 / United Nations. Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia. - New York : United Nations, 1998. - XIII, 154, [12] s. : wykr. ; 28 cm
