Rekordy dla Indie-regiony Zobacz: regiony Indii
Indie. Rajasthan Legislative Assembly
Rules of procedure and conduct of business in Rajasthan Legislative Assembly / made by the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly in pursuance of the provisions of Article 208 (1) of the Constitution of India. - 7 ed. - Jaipur : Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Secretariat, 1985. - 168 s. ; 25 cm
Johnson Gordon
Provincial politics and Indian nationalism : Bombay and the Indian National Congress 1880 to 1915 / by Gordon Johnson. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1973. - X, 207 s. ; 21 cm. - (Cambridge South Asian Studies)
Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat
Maharashtra legislature manual / Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat. - 7th ed. as modified up to Feb. 1978. - [Bombaj] : Gov. Central Press, 1978. - IV, [2], 345 s. ; 19 cm
Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat
Maharashtra Legislative Assembly rules / Maharashtra Legislature Secretariat. - 5th ed. - [Bombaj] : Gov. Central Press, 1978. - XV, [1], 177, XXIV s. ; 19 cm
Mahurkar Uday
Centrestage : inside the Narendra Modi model of governance / Uday Mahurkar. - Gurgaon : Random House India, 2014. - XXVIII, 192, [2] s., [16] k. tabl. : fot. ; 22 cm
ISBN 978-81-8400-514-1
Marino Andy
Narendra Modi : a political biography / Andy Marino. - Noida : Harper Collins Publ. India, 2014. - XIX, 310 s., [8] k. tabl. : fot. ; 22 cm
ISBN 978-93-5136-217-3
Noorani Abdul Gafoor
Constitutional questions in India : the president, parliament and the states / A. G. Noorani. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2000. - IX, 358 s. ; 21 cm. - (Oxford India Paperbacks)
ISBN 0-19-565877-9
Roy Ramashray
The uncertain verdict : a study of the 1969 elections in four Indian states / Ramashray Roy. - Berkeley : Univ. of California Press, 1975. - XV, 297 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 0-520-02475-3
Sdasjuk G. V.
Štaty Indii : priroda, naselenie, chozjajstvo, goroda / G. V. Sdasjuk. - Moskva : Mysl', 1981. - 367 s. : mapy, tab. ; 21 cm
Verma Sudesh
Narendra Modi : the gamechanger / Sudesh Verma. - New Delhi : Vitasta, 2014. - [30], 429 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 978-93-82711-18-6