
Rekordy dla obliczanie głosów Zobacz: zliczanie głosów


Aleskerov Fuad Tagievič

Vybory. Golosovanie. Partii / F. T. Aleskerov, P. Ortešuk. - Moskva : Akademija, 1995. - 206 s. ; 20 cm

ISBN 5-7695-0011-5



Election administration in the United States : the state of reform after Bush v. Gore / ed. by R. Michael Alvarez, Bernard Grofman. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 2014. - XXXII, 247 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 978-1-107-62595-2


B81881 BSE2695

Act on elections to the Parliament of the Czech Republic / Parliament of the Czech Republic. - Praga : Czechy. Chambre of Deputies. Office, 1996. - 80 s. ; 21 cm



Élections Ontario

Le vote en Ontario ; Voting in Ontario / Élections Ontario. - Scarborough : Élections Ontario, [przed 1992]. - 14, 13 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 0-7729-8291-0


B86362 BSE4157

Fialova Zuzanna

Parliamentary elections in Slovakia : September 1998 : report on the election observation mission / written by Zuzanna Fialova, Gregory Fabian ; Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. - Warsaw : Helsinki Found. for Human Rights, 1999. - 75 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-87300-23-3



Foley Edward B.

Ballot battles : the history of disputed elections in the United States / Edward B. Foley. - New York : Oxford Univ. Press, 2016. - XII, 479 s. : il. ; 24 cm

ISBN 978-0-19-023527-7



Greenfield Jeff

"Oh, waiter! One order of crow!" : inside the strangest presidential election finish in American history / Jeff Greenfield. - New York : G. P. Putnam's Sons, 2001. - XIX, 313 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 0-399-14776-4



Schuldei Marcus

Die Pairing-Vereinbarung / von Marcus Schuldei. - Berlin : Duncker und Humblot, 1997. - 216 s. ; 23 cm. - (Beiträge zum Parlamentsrecht, ISSN 0720-6674 ; Bd. 40)

ISBN 3-428-08969-3



Staveley E. S.

Greek and Roman voting and elections / E.S. Staveley. - London : Thames and Hudson, 1972. - 271 s. ; 22 cm. - (Aspects of Greek and Roman Life)

ISBN 0-500-40019-9
