Rekordy dla Izba Gmin (Kanada)
Beauchesne Arthur (1876-1958)
Rules and forms of the House of Commons of Canada : with annotations and an extensive index : a compendium of Canadian parliamentary practice prepared for the use of members of Parliament / by Arthur Beauchesne. - 2nd ed. - Toronto : Canada Law Book Company, 1927. - 500 s. ; 16 cm
Beauchesne Arthur (1876-1958)
Beauchesne's rules and form of the House of Commons of Canada : with annotations, comments and precedents / by Alistair Fraser, G. A. Birch, W. F. Dawson. - 5 ed. - Toronto : Carswell, 1978. - 401 s. ; 26 cm
ISBN 0-459-32210-9
Bourinot John George
Parliamentary procedure and practice in the Dominion of Canada / John George Bourinot ; introd. by C. B. Koester. - Shannon : Irish Univ. Press, 1971. - 12, XV, 785 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-7165-2021-4
Fraser John A.
The House of Commons at work / John A. Fraser. - Montréal : Éd. de la Cheneliere, 1993. - 195 s. : fot., rys., wykr. ; 26 cm
ISBN 2-89310-164-X
Kanada. House of Commons
Standing orders of the House of Commons, Canada 1962. - Ottawa : Roger Duhamel, 1962. - XIII, 136, XIV, 144 s. ; 17 cm
Précis de procédure ; Precis of procedure / House of Commons Canada. - 2 ed. - [b. m.] : Table Research Branch, 1987. - 133, 150 s. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-662-55471-X
Rights and immunities of members / House of Commons of Canada. - Ottawa : [Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre], [1990]. - 95 s. (wiele liczb.) ; 26 cm
B80548 BSE4519
Precis of procedure / House of Commons Canada. - 3 ed.. - [b. m.] : Table Research Branch, 1990. - 153, 167 s. ; 26 cm
ISBN 0-660-55753-3
Precis of procedure / House of Commons. Canada. - 5 ed. - Ottawa : Canada Communication Group, 1996. - 147, 4 s. ; 28 cm
ISBN 0-660-60028-5
Kanada. House of Commons
House of Commons Debates [Dokument elektroniczny] : 35th Parliament, 1st and 2nd Sessions ; Hansard / House of Commons. - Ottawa : Public Works and Gov. Services Canada, [1997]. - 1 dysk optyczny (CD-ROM) ; 14 cm
Committees of the House of Commons of Canada : practical guide / [prepared by Committees Directorate i in.]. - 2nd ed. - [Ottawa] : Committe Directorate, 1989. - 33, [7], 34, [9] s. ; 30 cm
Levy Gary
Speakers of the House of Commons / by Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1983. - VI, 115 s. : portr.il. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-662-12510-X
Levy Gary
Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1984. - VI, 103 s. : portr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-662-12510-X
Levy Gary
Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1988. - VI, 115 s. : portr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-660-12734-2
Levy Gary
Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1991. - VI, 115 s. : portr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-660-12734-2
Levy Gary
Speakers of the House of Commons / Gary Levy. - [3 wyd.]. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1996. - VI, 126 s. : portr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-662-22402-7
House of Commons reform / foreword by James McGrath ; contrib. by James Mallory and Magnus Gunther ; ed. by M. Gunther and Conrad Winn. - Ottawa : CAN Parliamentary Internship Program, 1991. - 286 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 0-7709-0270-7
A practical guide to Private Members' Business / prepared by Private Members' Business Office. - [Ottawa] : [Private Members' Business Office], 1988. - 21 s., [1] k. tabl. ; 28 cm.
Purves Grant
Speakers of the Senate / Grant Purves. - Ottawa : Libr. of Parliament, 1988. - VI, 87 s. : portr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-662-16376-1
Purves Grant
Les présidents du Sénat / Grant Purves. - Ottawa : Bibliothèque du Parlement, 1988. - VI, 93 s. : portr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-662-95045-3
Permanent and provisional standing orders of the House of Commons December 22, 1982. - Ottawa : Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre, 1982. - XX, 118 s. ; 16 cm
ISBN 0-660-51988-7
Report of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on Senate reform : January 1984. - Ottawa : Queen's Printer for Canada, 1984. - 61 ; 65 s. : fot., portr. ; 27 cm
House of Commons reform : from the Special Committee to the task force and Parliament's proposed scrutiny of appointments Ottawa 7 March 1985. - Ottawa : Groupe Canadien d"Étude des Questions Parlamentaires, 1985. - 12 s. ; 26 cm. - (Canadian Study of Parliament Group) (Groupe Canadien d'Étude des Questions Parlementaires)
Annotated standing orders of the House of Commons : 1989. - Ottawa : Canadian Gov. Publ. Centre, 1989. - 562 s. wiele liczb. ; 30 cm
ISBN 0-660-54620-5
A guide to the House of Commons. - [Ottawa] : [b.w.], [1990]. - 16, 16 s. : fot. ; 22 cm