Rekordy dla Tobago Zobacz: Trynidad i Tobago
Constitutions of the countries of the world / ed. by A. P. Blaustein and G. H. Flanz. Vol. 16 : Sri Lanka - Uganda. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1989. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-379-00467-4
Constitutions of the countries of the world / ed. by A. P. Blaustein and G. H. Flanz. Vol. 16 : Sweden - Tunisia. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1992. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-379-00467-4
Mergers and acquisitions in North America, Latin America, Asia and the Pacific selected issues and jurisdictions / gen. ed. Dennis Campbell ; Center for International Legal Studies. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2011. - VIII, 542 s. ; 24 cm. - (The Comparative Law Yearbook of International Business. Special issue ; vol. B/2011)
ISBN 978-90-411-36541
Constitutions of the countries of the world / Gisbert H. Flanz ed., Patricie H. Warf assoc.ed. Vol. 18 : Tajikistan - Uganda. - New York : Oceana Publ., 2003. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-379-00467-4
Ott Dana
Small is democratic : an examination of state size and democratic development / Dana Ott. - New York : Garland, 2000. - XVI, 276 s. ; 22 cm. - (Comparative Studies in Democratization)
ISBN 0-8153-3910-0
Wight Martin
British colonial constitutions 1947 / Martin Wight. - Oxford : Clarendon Press, 1952. - XXVI, 571 s. ; 22 cm
Trinidad and Tobago : 1998 / World Trade Organization. - Geneva : WTO, 1999. - XXVII, 182 s. : wykr. ; 29 cm. - (Trade Policy Review, ISSN 1014-7411)