Rekordy dla pracownik inte Zobacz: kadry informacyjne
Social sciences and electronic technology in the area government information. Seminarium międzynarodowe. 1985 (Chicago)
The social sciences and electronic technology in the area government information : proceedings of an International Seminar held at the Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, United States, August 16 and 17, 1985 / ed. Bernadine E. Abbott Hoduski, Maryellen Trautman ; International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. - Washington : IFLA, 1987. - III, 122 s. ; 29 cm
B92190 B92191
Praktičeskoe rukovodstvo dlja parlamentskich bibliotek : perevod s anglijskogo / obšč. red. rus. per. I. A. Andreevoj ; Meždunarodnaja Federacija Bibliotečnych Associacij i Učreždenij (IFLA). - Moskva : Izd-vo Gos. Dumy, 2001. - 150 s. ; 21 cm
The status, reputation and image of the library and information profession : proceedings of the IFLA Pre-Session Seminar Delhi, 24-28 August 1992 / ed. by Russell Bowden and Donald Wijasuriya ; International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. - München : K.G. Saur, 1994. - 228 s. ; 21 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 68)
ISBN 3-598-21795-1
Parliamentary libraries and information services of Asia and the Pacific : papers prep. for the 62nd IFLA Conference Beijing, China, August 25-31, 1996 / ed. by Rob Brian. - München : K.G. Saur, 1997. - 106 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 83)
ISBN 3-598-21808-7
C10214.732 C10215.732
Instytucjonalne warunki realizacji prawa do informacji w państwach członkowskich Unii Europejskiej / [oprac. Izabela Budzyńska]. - Warszawa : KS Biuro Studiów i Ekspertyz, wrzesień 2000. - S. 20-25 ; 30 cm. - (Dostęp do informacji publicznej / Kancelaria Sejmu. Biuro Studiów i Ekspertyz). - (Informacja BSE ; nr 732)
A27317 A27318 A27316 A27315 A27319 Z110791
Kodeks etyki bibliotekarza i pracownika informacji / [zespół aut. Sabina Cisek i in. ; tł. Agnieszka Kasprzyk] ; Stowarzyszenie Bibliotekarzy Polskich. - Warszawa : Stow. Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 2006. - 63 s. ; 17 cm
ISBN 83-89316-44-7
Information and government : studies in the dynamics of policy-making / ed. by Roger Davidson and Phil White. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh Univ. Press, 1988. - 261 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 0-85224-554-8
Survey of parliamentary libraries documentation and information services / ed. by Dermot Englefield ; European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation. - [Bruksela] : European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation, 1983. - 63 s. ; 30 cm
Guidelines for legislative libraries / ed. by Dermot Englefield ; IFLA. - München : K.G. Saur, 1993. - XV, 123 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 64)
ISBN 3-598-21792-7
Evans Woody
Building library 3.0 : issues in creating a culture of participation / Woody Evans. - Oxford : Chandos, 2009. - XXI, 188 s. : fot. ; 23 cm
ISBN 978-1-84334-497-1
Teaching of Preservation Management for Librarians, Archivists and Information Scientists. Seminarium międzynarodowe. 1986 (Wiedeń)
Education and training for preservation and conservation : papers of an International Seminar on "the Teaching of Preservation Management for Librarians, Archivists and Information Scientists" sponsored by IFLA, FID and ICA, Vienna, April 11-13, 1986, with additional information sources / ed. by Josephine Riss Fang, Ann Russel ; with the assist. of Anna J. Fang. - München : K.G. Saur, 1991. - 113 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 54)
ISBN 3-598-21782-X
Froehlich Thomas J.
Survey and analysis of the major ethical and legal issues facing library and information services / by Thomas J. Froehlich. - München : K.G. Saur, 1997. - 97 s. ; 21 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 78)
ISBN 3-598-21804-4
Studia z informacji naukowej i dyscyplin pokrewnych : prace dedykowane profesor Barbarze Stefaniak / pod red. Elżbiety Gondek i Diany Pietruch-Reizes. - Katowice : Uniw. Śląski, 2007. - 302 s., [1] k. tabl. : portr. ; 24 cm. - (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, ISSN 0208-6336 ; nr 2477)
ISBN 978-83-226-1623-9
Informacja naukowa i techniczna w resortach obrony Czech, Niemiec i Polski : praca zbiorowa / pod red. Krzysztofa Graczyka, Dariusza Kuziela, Katarzyny Materskiej ; Centralny Ośrodek Naukowej Informacji Wojskowej. - Warszawa : Centr. Ośr. Naukowej Informacji Wojskowej, 2006. - 205 s. : rys. ; 24 cm
ISBN 83-905045-0-2
B97087 B74890 B74891
International Conference on Parliamentary Services in Central and Eastern Europe. 1992 (Warszawa-Pułtusk)
A Parliamentary Research Organization : the Proceedings of the International Conference on Parliamentary Services in Central and Eastern Europe June 21-23, 1992, Warsaw-Pułtusk / ed. by Przemysław Grudziński, Wiesław Staśkiewicz ; Chancellory of Sejm of the Republic of Poland. - Warsaw : Sejm Publ. Office, 1992. - 250 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 83-7059-028-4
Guinchat Claire
Introduction générale aux sciences et techniques de l'information et de la documentation / Claire Guinchat et Michel Menou. - 2 éd. / rev. et augmentée par Marie-France Blanquet. - Paris : Unesco, 1990. - 543 s. : faks., wykr. ; 25 cm
ISBN 92-3-202540-X
C14533 BSE4942
Independent parliamentary researches. Seminarium. 2000 (Kijów)
Independent parliamentary researches : proceedings of the ECPRD Seminar : Kyiv, May 25-26, 2000 / Information Administration of Apparatus of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation. - Kyiv : Parliamentary Publ. House, 2000. - 326 s. ; 26 cm
ISBN 966-611-041-5
Guidelines for parliamentary research services [Dokument elektroniczny] ; Inter-Parliamentary Union, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. - Geneva : Inter-Parliamentary Union, 2015
ISBN 978-92-9142-630-0
MacDonald Arley Ripin
Managers view information / Arley Ripin MacDonald. - New York : Special Libraries Association, 1983. - VI, 90 s. ; 27 cm
ISBN 0-87111-283-3
Manual of law librarianship : the use and organization of legal literature / ed. by Elizabeth M. Moys. - London : André Deutsch, 1976. - 733 s. ; 22 cm
Prins Hans
The image of the library and information profession : how we see ourselves : an investigation : a report of an empirical study undertaken on behalf of IFLA's Round Table for the Management of Library Associations / Hans Prins and Wilco de Gier ; with the assistance of Russell Bowden ; International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. - München : K.G. Saur, 1995. - 86 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 71)
ISBN 3-598-21798-6
Rola bibliotek w rozwoju demokracji : praca zbiorowa / pod red. Marii Kocójowej oraz Georga S. Bobińskiego. - Kraków : UJ, 1995. - 182 s. ; 24 cm. - (Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace z Bibliotekoznawstwa i Informacji Naukowej, ISSN 0137-2408 ; 2(4) 1995)
ISBN 83-233-0844-6
Reck Brigitte
Between democracy and technocracy : the role of expertise for the European Parliament / Brigitte Reck. - Stuttgart : Ibidem-Verl., 2003. - 96 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 3-89821-236-X
Robinson William H.
Knowledge and power : the essential connection between research and the work of legislature / William H. Robinson. - Brussels : European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation, 2002. - 61 s. ; 25 cm
The evolving virtual library II : practical and philosophical perspectives / ed. by Laverna M. Saunders. - Medford : Inform. Today, 1999. - XI, 198 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 1-57387-070-6
International Conference on Library Automation in Central and Eastern Europe. Konferencja. 1996 (Budapeszt)
International conference on library automation in Central and Eastern Europe : conference proceedings, Budapest 10-13 April 1996 / ed. by Monika Segbert, Katarina Steinwachs, Peter Burnett. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1997. - VIII, 320 s. ; 30 cm. - (Libraries in the Information Society)
ISBN 92-828-0305-8
Kształcenie bibliotekarzy dla przyszłości : materiały z Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich Jachranka k. Warszawy, 22-24 października 1995 / Stow. Bibliotekarzy Polskich. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Stow. Bibliotekarzy Polskich, 1996. - 286 s. ; 21 cm. - (Nauka, Dydaktyka, Praktyka ; 19)
ISBN 83-85778-61-6
Informacja naukowa w Polsce : tradycja i współczesność / pod red. Eugeniusza Ścibora. - Olsztyn : WSP w Olsztynie, 1998. - 249 s. ; 24 cm. - (Studia i Materiały / Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna w Olsztynie, ISSN 0860-7273 ; nr 146)
ISBN 83-87315-48-6
Education and research in library and information science in the information age: means of modern technology and management. IFLA/ China Society of Library Science Seminar. 1986 (Beijing)
Education and research in library and information science in the information age : means of modern technology and management : proceeding of the IFLA/ China Society of Library Science Seminar Beijing, September 1-5, 1986 / ed. by Miriam H. Tees. - München : K.G. Saur, 1988. - 202 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 43)
ISBN 3-598-21773-0
Continuing professional education : an IFLA guidebook : a publ. of the Continuing Professional Education Round Table (CPERT) of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions / ed. by Blanche Woolls ; reports from the field ed. by Miriam H. Tees. - München : K.G. Saur, 1991. - 159 s. : tab. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 55)
ISBN 3-598-21784-6
Evaluation of digital libraries : an insight to useful applications and methods / ed. by Giannis Tsakonas and Christos Papaheodorou. - Oxford : Chandos, 2009. - XXIV, 275 s. : wykr. ; 24 cm. - (Chandos Information Professional Series)
ISBN 978-1-84334-484-1
Les ordinateurs dans les parlaments : faits et chiffers relatifs á l'utilisation des ordinateurs dans les services d'information des parlements dans le monde / établis sur la base d'une enquette internationale effectuée par le CIDP de L'Union Interparlementaire, Geneve et le Département de l'Information du Bureau l'Informatique, Rome. - Geneve : Union Interparlementaire, 1984. - VII, 215 s. ; 34 cm. - (Reports and Documents / Inter-Parliamentary Union. International Centre for Parliamentary Documentation ; No 11/1984) (Rapport sur l'état de-l'art / Bureau Intergouvernemental pour l' Informatique)
Voix multiples un seul monde / rapport de la Commission internationale d'étude des problemes de la communication. - Paris : Unesco, 1980. - XX, 367 s. ; 24 cm. - (Communication et Société Aujourd'hui et Demain)
ISBN 92-3-201216-2
Selective inventory of social science information and ducumentation services / prepar. by the Unesco Social and Human Sciences Documentation Centre. - 3 ed. - Oxford : Berg, 1988. - XVIII, 680 s. ; 23 cm. - (World Social Science Information Directories)
ISBN 0-85496-270-0
Wokół zawodu bibliotekarza i jego warsztatu. - Łódź : Uniw. Łódzki, 1992. - 175 s. ; 25 cm. - (Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Librorum, ISSN 0860-7435 ; 3)
The ethics of librarianship : an international survey / ed. by Robert W. Vaagan ; with an introd. by Alex Byrne. - München : K.G. Saur, 2002. - 344 s. : wykr. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 101)
ISBN 3-598-21831-1
Valyi Gabor
Praca bibliotekarza parlamentarnego / Gabor Valyi ; Biblioteka Sejmowa. - Warszawa : [b.w.], 1981. - 8 s. ; 30 cm
Guides to the services of the House of Commons Library / House of Commons. Department of the Library. - [Londyn] : House of Commons. Dep. of the Library, 1994. - 24 k. ; 30 cm
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Continuing Professional Education Round Table. World Conference, 2. 1993 (Barcelona)
Continuing professional education and IFLA : past, present, and vision for the future : papers from the IFLA CPERT Second World Conference on Continuing Professional Education for the Library and Information Science Professions : a publications of the Continuing Professional Education Round Table (CPERT) of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions / ed. by Blanche Woolls. - München : K.G. Saur, 1993. - VIII, 365 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 66/67)
ISBN 3-598-21794-3
Delivering lifelong continuing professional education across space and time. World Conference, 4. 2001
Delivering lifelong continuing professional education across space and time : the Fourth World Conference on continuing professional education for the library and information science professions / ed. by Blanche Woolls and Brooke E. Sheldon. - München : K.G. Saur, 2001. - XII, 283 s. ; 22 cm. - (IFLA Publications, ISSN 0344-6891 ; 98)
ISBN 3-598-21828-1
Information in Eastern and Central Europe : coming in from the cold : papers presented at the State-of-the-Art Institute, November 12-13, 1991, Washington, D.C.. - Washington : Special Libraries Association, 1991. - VI, 95 s. ; 28 cm
ISBN 0-87111-394-5