
Rekordy dla Republika Fidżi Zobacz: Fidżi


Constitutions of the countries of the world / ed. by A. P. Blaustein and G. H. Flanz. Vol. 5 : Egypt - Federal Republic of Germany. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1989. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-00467-4



Constitutions of the countries of the world / ed. by A. P. Blaustein and G. H. Flanz. Vol. 5 : Egypt - Federal Republic of Germany. - New York : Oceana Publ., 1992. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-00467-4



Constitutions of the countries of the world / Gisbert H. Flanz ed., Patricie H. Warf assoc.ed. Vol.6 : Dijbouti - Fiji. - New York : Oceana Publ., 2003. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-00467-4


From election to coup in Fiji [Dokument elektroniczny] : the 2006 campaign and its aftermath / Jon Fraenkel and Stewart Firth (eds). - Canberra : Australian National University Press, 2007

ISBN 978-1-92131-336-3


Electoral systems in divided societies [Dokument elektroniczny] : the Fiji constitution / ed. by Brij V. Lal and Peter Larmour. - Canberra : Australian National University Press, 2012

ISBN 978-1-92214-451-5


The people have spoken [Dokument elektroniczny] : the 2014 elections in Fiji / ed. by. Steven Ratuva and Stephanie Lawson. - Canberra : Australian National University Press, 2016. - (Pacific Series)

ISBN 978-1-760460-02-0



Fiji : 1996 / World Trade Organization. - Geneva : WTO, 1997. - XXV, 116 s. ; 30 cm. - (Trade Policy Review, ISSN 1014-7411)

ISBN 92-870-1187-7
