Rekordy dla Europejskie Porozumienie w sprawie Ochrony Transmisji Telewizyjnych Zobacz: Europejskie Porozumienie o Ochronie Programów Telewizyjnych 1960
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
European Agreement on the protection of television broadcasts : Strasbourg, 22.VI.1960 / [Council of Europe]. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, April 1977. - [42] s. ; 27 cm. - (European Treaty Series ; Nos. 34, 54, 81)
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
Additional Protocol to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the protection of television broadcasts : [Strasbourg, 21.III.1983 / Council of Europe]. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, March 1983. - 8 s. ; 30 cm. - (European Treaty Series ; 113)
ISBN 92-871-0234-1
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
Third additional Protocol to the Protocol to the European Agreement on the protection of television broadcasts : [Strasbourg, 20.IV.1989 / Council of Europe]. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, December 1989. - [11] s. ; 30 cm. - (European Treaty Series ; No. 131)
ISBN 92-871-1706-3
Culture et médias : recueil de textes / Conseil de l'Europe. - Strasbourg : Conseil de l'Europe, 1998. - 297 s. ; 18 cm
ISBN 92-871-3686-6
B74769 BSE1449
Winn David Benjamin
European Community and international media law / David B. Winn. - London : Graham and Trotman, 1994. - 609 s. ; 25 cm. - (European Business Law and Practice Series) (European Law Library)
ISBN 1-85333-714-5