
Rekordy dla United Nations Economic Commission for Europe Zobacz: ECE

B101100 B97362

Białocerkiewicz Jan (1945-2008)

Organizacje europejskie i ich standardy prawne / Jan Białocerkiewicz ; Wyższa Szkoła Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna we Włocławku. - Włocławek : Wyższa Szk. Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna we Włocławku, 2003. - 493 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-88500-37-6



Employment, income distribution and consumption : long-term objectives and structural changes. Seminarium. 1977 (Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume (Francja))

Employment, income distribution and consumption : long-term objectives and structural changes : proceedings of a Seminar of the United Nations Commission for Europe organized under the auspices of the Senior Economic Advisers to ECE Governments, Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume (France), 6-13 September 1977 / Economic Commission for Europe, Geneva. - New York : United Nations, 1979. - III, 178 s. : rys. ; 30 cm



Europa 2001/2002 : organizacje, instytucje, personalia, adresy, kontakty / red. nauk.wyd. pol. Witold M. Góralski ; red. i tł. Dorota Keller. - Warszawa : Prawo i Praktyka Gospodarcza, 2001. - 348 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 83-87611-17-4


B96563 BSE6013#ubytek

Europa 2003 : organizacje, instytucje, personalia, adresy, kontakty / red. nauk.wyd. pol. Witold M. Góralski ; red. i tł. Dorota Keller. - Warszawa : Prawo i Praktyka Gospodarcza, 2003. - 350 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 83-87611-39-5



Minister Transportu i Budownictwa

Regulaminy Europejskiej Komisji Gospodarczej Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych (EKG ONZ) / Minister Transportu i Budownictwa. T. 1-5. - Warszawa : Min. Transportu i Budownictwa, 2006. - 5 t.(530 ; 409 ; 272 ; 174 ; 309 s.) ; 30 cm. - (Dziennik Urzędowy Ministra Transportu i Budownictwa ; zał. do nru 6)


B81504 BSE2004#ubytek

Europejskie struktury współpracy : informator / pod red. Stanisława Parzymiesa. - Warszawa : Pol. Inst. Spraw Międzynarodowych, 1995. - 212 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-901305-8-0



Europejskie struktury współpracy : informator / pod red. Stanisława Parzymiesa. - [Wyd.2]. - Warszawa : MSZ Zarząd Obsługi, 1997. - 212 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-907665-0-7


B89086 BSE4600#ubytek

Europejskie struktury współpracy : informator / pod red. Stanisława Parzymiesa. - Wyd. 2 zaktual. - Warszawa : MSZ, 2000. - 316 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-907665-4-X



Polish experience of transition: accomplishments and problems. 1999 (Genewa)

The Polish experience of transition : accomplishments and problems : round table held on 7 June 1999 at the Palais des Nations, Geneva, Switzerland : proceedings / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee for Trade, Industry and Enterprise Development. - Geneva : United Nations, 2000. - IX, 100 s. : wykr. ; 21 cm. - (Trade and Investment Guides, ISSN 1020-7384 ; 4)

ISBN 92-1-116738-8



Energy reserves and supplies in the ECE region : present situation and perspectives / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1979. - VI, 74 s. : rys., wykr. ; 30 cm



Les réserves et les approvisionnements énergétiques dans la région de la CEE : situation actuelle et perspectives / Commission Économique pour l'Europe. - New York : Nations Unies, 1979. - VI, 78 s. ; 30 cm



Recueil CEE de dispositions modeles de réglement de la construction : bâtiments résidentiels / Commisions économique pour l'Europe. - New York : Nations Unies, 1991. - V, 47 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-216289-4



Le Groupe de travail de la construction des vehicules - son rôle dans une perspective internationale / Commisions économique pour l'Europe. - New York : Nations Unies, 1994. - IV, 81 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-216396-3



Working party on the construction of vehicles : its role in the international perspective / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1994. - IV, 78 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-116617-9



Effects and control of long-range transboundary air pollution : report prepared within the framework of the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1994. - IV, 60 s. ; 30 cm. - (Air Pollution Studies, ISSN 1014-4625 ; 10)

ISBN 92-1-116602-0



Protection and sustainable use of waters : recommendations to ECE governments / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1995. - V, 48 s. ; 30 cm. - (Water Series, ISSN 1020-0886 ; no. 2)

ISBN 92-1-116627-6



Stratégies et politiques visant a réduire la pollution atmosphérique : résultats de l'examen approfondi de 1994 effectué en vertu de la Convention sur la pollution atmosphérique transfrontiere a longue / Nations Unies. Commission Économique pour l'Europe. Geneve. - New York : Nations Unies, 1995. - 145, XVI s. : mapy, rys. kolor. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-216406-4



ECE compedium of model provisions for building regulations : buildings / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1996. - III, 72 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-116640-3



The state of transboundary air pollution : report prepared within the framework of the convention on long-range transboundary air pollution / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1996. - V, 88 s. : wykr. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-116653-5



Recommendations on standardization policies : working party on technical harmonization and standardization policies / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - Geneva : United Nations, 1996. - 23 s. ; 30 cm



ECE standardization list : working party on technical harmonization and standardization policies / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - Geneva : United Nations, 1996. - 18 s. ; 30 cm



Major trends characterizing human settlements development in the ECE region / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1998. - 80 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-116695-0



The Economic Commission for Europe in the age of change / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 1998. - XVI, 102 s. ; 24 cm



Compendium of soil clean-up technologies and soil remediation companies 2000 / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations. Industrial Development Organization. - 2nd ed. - New York : United Nations, 2000. - VII, 141 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-116748-5



Housing finance systems for countries in transition : principles and examples / Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 2005. - VII, 87 s. : wykr. ; 30 cm

ISBN 92-1-116923-2



Recommendation and guidelines on establishing a single window to enhance the efficient exchange of information between trade and government / Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business (UN/CEFACT). - New York : United Nations, 2005. - IV, 33 s. ; 30 cm. - (Recommendation / Economic Commission for Europe ; no. 33)

ISBN 92-1-116924-0



Guide to implementing The Water Convention / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 2013. - IX, 118 s. : fot. ; 30 cm



Innovation and intellectual property : a compendium of policy recommendations and good practices 2008-2012 / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 2013. - VII, 30 s. ; 30 cm



Recommendations on ageing-related statistics / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 2016. - IX, 91 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 978-92-1-117119-8



Generic law on official statistics for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe. - New York : United Nations, 2016. - VIII, 163 s. ; 30 cm

ISBN 978-92-1-016372-9



Convention on customs treatment of pool containers used in international transport : (container pool convention) : done at Geneva on 21 january 1994 / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Inland Transport Committee. - [Nowy Jork] : United Nations, 1996. - 12 s. ; 30 cm



Recommendations on technical requirements for inland navigation vessels : addendum 2 / United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Inland Transport Committee. Principal Working Party on Inland Water Transport. - New York : United Nations, 1997. - 19 s. ; 30 cm
