
Rekordy dla Timor Portugalski Zobacz: Timor Wschodni


Barbedo de Magalhaes Antonio

East Timor: land of hope : second symposium on Timor Oporto University (28 April-1 May 1990) : with a historical introduction on East Timor: decolonization, occupation and genocide / A. Barbedo de Magalhaes. - Oporto : Oporto Univ., 1992. - 194 s. ; 23 cm

ISBN 972-8025-04-1



Bonczol Łukasz

Timor Wschodni : od reliktu kolonializmu do problemu międzynarodowego / Łukasz Bonczol. - Wrocław : Uniw. Wrocławski, 2008. - 198 s. : mapa ; 21 cm. - (Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis, ISSN 0239-6661 ; no 3103)

ISBN 978-83-229-2979-7


Braithwaite John

Networked governance of freedom and tyranny [Dokument elektroniczny] : peace in Timor-Leste / John Braithwaite, Hilary Charlesworth and Adérito Soares. - Canberra : Australian National University Press, 2012

ISBN 978-1-92186-276-2



Brana Pierre

Aider le Timor oriental / Pierre Brana et Roland Blum ; Assemblée Nationale. Commission des Affaires Étrangeres. - Paris : Assemblée Nationale, 2000. - 35 s.,[9] k., [1] k. tabl. : mapa ; 24 cm. - (Impressions ... - Assemblée Nationale, ISSN 1240-8468 ; Lég. 11, No 2449) (Documents d'Information de l'Assemblée Nationale, ISSN 1240-831X ; 31/2000)

ISBN 2-11-108714-9



Cassese Antonio

Self-determination of peoples : a legal reappraisal / Antonio Cassese. - Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, 1995. - XVIII, 375 s. ; 23 cm. - (Hersch Lauterpacht Memorial Lectures)

ISBN 0-521-48187-2



Konstitucii gosudarstv Azii / [pod red. T.Ja. Chabrievoj] ; Institut Zakonodatel'stva i Sravnitel'nogo Pravovedenija pri Pravitel'stve Rossijskoj Federacii. T. 3 : Dal'nij Vostok. - Moskva : Norma, 2010. - 1037 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 978-5-91768-127-6



Chomsky Noam

People without rights : Kosovo, Ost-Timor und der Westen / Noam Chomsky. - Hamburg : Europaverl., 2002. - 158 s. ; 21 cm

ISBN 3-203-76012-6


Devereux Annemarie

Timor-Leste’s bill of rights [Dokument elektroniczny] : a preliminary history / Annemarie Devereux ; foreword by Adérito de Jesus Soares. - Canberra : Australian National University Press, 2015

ISBN 978-1-925022-39-1



Constitutions of the countries of the world / Gisbert H. Flanz ed., Patricie H. Warf assoc.ed. Vol.6 : Dijbouti - Fiji. - New York : Oceana Publ., 2003. - Wiele liczb. ; 27 cm

ISBN 0-379-00467-4



Persian Gulf ; French possessions in India ; French Indo-China ; Portuguese possessions in India ; Portuguese Timor ; Macao. - London : His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1920. - Wiele liczb. ; 21 cm. - (Peace handbooks ; 13). - (Handbooks prepared under the direction of the Historical Section of the Foreign Office ; no. 76, 77, 78, 79,80, 81)



Othman Mohamed C.

Accountability for international humanitarian law violations : the case of Rwanda and East Timor / Mohamed C. Othman. - Berlin : Springer, 2005. - XIV, 384 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 3-540-26081-1



Report presented by the eventual commission for the following-up of the situation in East Timor : november 1986 / Assembleia de Républica. - Lisbon : [Portugalia. Assambleia da Repüblica], 1987. - 38 s. ; 30 cm



Schwarz Adam

A nation in waiting : Indonesia's search for stability / Adam Schwarz. - [2 ed.]. - London : Allen and Unwin, 2000. - XII, 533 s. ; 22 cm

ISBN 1-86508-179-5



Case concerning East Timor : (Portugal v. Australia) / International Court of Justice. - Order of 19 May 1993. - [Haga] : Intern. Court of Justice, 1993. - [4] s. ; 24 cm. - (Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / International Court of Justice, ISSN 0074-4441)

ISBN 92-1-070691-9



Case concerning East Timor : (Portugal v. Australia) : judgment of 30 june 1995 / International Court of Justice. - [Haga] : Intern. Court of Justice, 1995. - 191, 191 s. ; 24 cm. - (Reports of Judgments, Advisory Opinions and Orders / International Court of Justice, ISSN 0074-4441)

ISBN 92-1-070724-9



Decolonization in East Timor. - Jakarta : Indonezja. Dep. of Foreign Affairs, (1982). - 102 s. : il. ; 23 cm



East Timor after integration. - Jakarta : Dep. of Inform. Republic of Indonesia, 1983. - 149 s. : il. ; 21 cm



Facts about East Timor. - Jakarta : House of Representatives of the Rep. of Indonesia, 1988. - [4], 31 s. : il. ; 21 cm
