Rekordy dla impeachment
Baker Ross K.
House and Senate / Ross K. Baker. - 3rd ed. - New York : W.W. Norton and Comp., 2002. - 263 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 0-393-97611-4
Baran Kazimierz
High treason in England until the end of Stuart era / Kazimierz Baran. - Warszawa : PWN, 1982. - 71 s. ; 24 cm. - (Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Prace Prawnicze, ISSN 0083-4394 ; z. 96)
ISBN 83-01-03966-3
Berger Raoul
Impeachment : the constitutional problems / Raoul Berger. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 1973. - XII, 345 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-674-44475-2
B88208 BSE4374
Berger Raoul
Impeachment : the constitutional problems / Raoul Berger. - [Enl. ed.]. - Cambridge, Mass. : Harvard Univ. Press, [1974]. - XIII, 400 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 0-674-44478-7
Channet Aurélie
La responsabilité du président de la République : la contribution de la "Commission Avril" / Aurélie Channet ; préf. de Vlad Constantinesco. - Paris : Harmattan, 2004. - 124 s. ; 21 cm. - (Inter-National)
ISBN 2-7475-6739-7
Currie David P.
The Constitution in Congress : the Federalist period 1789-1801 / David P. Currie. - Chicago : Univ. of Chicago, 1997. - 327 s. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-226-13114-9
B73148 BSE3540
Constitutional laws of Finland ; Procedure of Parliament / publ. by the Parliament of Finland, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice. - Helsinki : [b.w.], 1992. - 62 s. ; 25 cm
ISBN 951-47-7333-0
Gerhardt Michael J.
The federal impeachment process : a constitutional and historical analysis / Michael J. Gerhardt. - Princeton : Princeton Univ. Press, 1996. - XIII, 233 s. ; 25 cm
ISBN 0-691-03295-5
Impeachment proceedings at the Seimas against Seimas member Audrius Butkevičius / Press Service of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania. - Vilnius : Seimo leidykla Valstybés žinios, 1999. - 133 s. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9986-18-057-0
Lygin Nikolaj Jakovlevič
Meždunarodno-pravovye standarty i konstitucionnaja zakonnost' v rossijskoj sudebnoj praktike : naučno-praktičeskoe posobie / N.Ja. Lygin, V.N. Tkačëv. - Moskva : Statut, 2012. - 524 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 978-5-8354-0812-2
Makowski Aleksander
Impeachment : o usuwaniu polityków z urzędu / Aleksander Makowski, Longin Pastusiak. - Warszawa : Konsalnet, 1999. - 212 s. : fot. ; 24 cm
ISBN 83-910168-1-1
Małajny Ryszard Marcin
Konstytucyjny system hamulców / Ryszard M. Małajny. - Katowice : Uniw. Śląski, 1992. - 215 s. ; 24 cm. - (Pozycja ustrojowa Kongresu USA ; t. 2). - (Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach, ISSN 0208-6336 ; nr 1242)
ISBN 83-226-0416-5
The Clinton presidency and the constitutional system / ed. by Rosanna Perotti ; with an introd. by Meena Bose. - College Station : Texas A and M Univ. Press, 2012. - XII, 311 s. ; 24 cm. - (Joseph V. Hughes Jr. and Holly O. Hughes Series on the Presidency and Leadership)
ISBN 978-1-60344-660-0
Posner Richard A.
An affair of state : the investigation, impeachment, and trial of president Clinton / Richard A. Posner. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 1999. - XI, 276 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-674-00080-3
Volcansek Mary L.
Constitutional politics in Italy : the constitutional court / Mary L. Volcansek. - Basingstoke : Macmillan, 1999. - IX, 195 s. ; 22 cm
ISBN 0-333-75442-5
Whittington Keith E.
Constitutional construction : divided powers and constitutional meaning / Keith E. Whittington. - Cambridge : Harvard Univ. Press, 1999. - X, 303 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-674-16541-1