Rekordy dla Europejskie Porozumienie o Pomocy Medycznej w zakresie Leczenia Specjalistycznego i Udogodnień Klimatycznych 1962
R290.1 R290.2 R290.3 R290.4 R290.5 R290.6 R290.7 R290.8
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
European conventions and agreements / Council of Europe. Vol. 1-7, Index. - Strasbourg : Council of Europe, 1975-1999. - 8 t. (328; 444; 244; 283; 291; 291; 238 ; 253 s.) ; 25 cm
Council of Europe (Strasburg)
European Agreement on mutual assistance in the matter of special medical treatments and climatic facilities : [Strasbourg, 14.V.1962 / Council of Europe]. - [Strasbourg] : Council of Europe, October 1977. - [16] s. ; 27 cm. - (European Treaty Series ; No. 38)