Rekordy dla Pol.641
Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich (Warszawa)
Report on the Activity of the Ombudsman in Poland in the Area of Equal Treatment in [...] and the Observance of Equal Treatment Principle in the Republic of Poland / Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich. - 2012. - Warsaw : Office of the Human Rights Defender, 2013. - ; 23 cm. - (Human Rights Defender Bulletin. Sources, ISSN 0860-7958 ; 2013, No 3 -)
Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich (Warszawa)
Report on the Activity of the Human Rights Defender in Poland in the Area of Equal Treatment in [...] and the Observance of Equal Treatment Principle in the Republic of Poland / Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich. - 2013 -. - Warsaw : Office of the Human Rights Defender, 2014 -. - ; 23 cm. - (Human Rights Defender Bulletin. Sources, ISSN 0860-7958)