Rekordy dla Goldblat Jozef
Goldblat Jozef
Arms control : the new guide to negotiations and agreements / Jozef Goldblat. - Fully rev. and updated 2nd ed. - London : Sage Publ., 2002. - 396 s. ; 24 cm + New CD-ROM documentation suppl.
ISBN 0-7619-4016-2
Maritime security : the building of confidence / ed. by Jozef Goldblat ; UNIDIR. Geneva. - New York : United Nations, 1992. - X, 163 s. ; 30 cm
ISBN 92-9045-074-6
Goldblat Jozef
The Non-Proliferation Treaty : how to remove the residual threats / Jozef Goldblat ; UNIDIR. - New York : United Nations, 1992. - V, 36 s. ; 30 cm. - (Research Paper / United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, ISSN 1014-4013 ; no 13)
ISBN 92-9045-069X
Goldblat Jozef
The third review of the Biological Weapons Convention : issues and proposals / Jozef Goldblat, Thomas Bernauer ; UNIDIR. - New York : United Nations, 1991. - VI, 79 s. ; 30 cm. - (Research Paper / United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research, ISSN 1014-4013 ; no 9)
ISBN 92-9045-049-5
Goldblat Jozef
Traité sur la non-prolifération : comment parer les menaces / Jozef Goldblat ; UNIDIR. - New York : Nations Unies, 1993. - V,40 s. ; 30 cm. - (Travaux de Recherche / Institut des Nations Unies pour la Recherche sur le Désarmement, ISSN 1014-4021 ; no 13)
ISBN 92-9045-077-0