Rekordy dla Reddaway Peter
The case of Leonid Plyushch / transl. from the Russian by Marite Sapiets, Peter Reddaway and Caryl Emerson ; ed. of the Russ. edition Tatyana Khodorovich ; introd. by P. Reddaway. - London : Hurst and Comp., 1976. - 152 s. : fot., portr. ; 22 cm
ISBN 0-903-983-50-8
Bloch Sidney
Diagnoz: inakomyslie : kak sovetskie psichiatry lečat ot političeskogo inakomyslija / Sidnej Bloch i Piter Reddauej ; predisl. Vladimira Bukovskogo. - London : Overseas Publ. Interchange, 1981. - 418 s. ; 18 cm
ISBN 0-903868-33-4
Kovalev Andrej Anatol'evič
Russia's dead end : an insider's testimony from Gorbachev to Putin / Andrei A. Kovalev ; transl. by Steven I. Levine ; forew. by Peter Reddaway. - Lincoln : Univ. of Nebraska, 2017. - XLII, 347 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-1-61234-893-3
Reddaway Peter
The tragedy of Russia's reforms : market bolshevism against democracy / Peter Reddaway and Dmitri Glinski. - Washington : United States Inst. of Peace, 2001. - XVI, 745 s. ; 23 cm
ISBN 1-929223-06-4