Rekordy dla Mjullerson Rejn Avovič Zobacz: Müllerson Rein
Constitutional reform and international law in Central and Eastern Europe / ed. by Rein Müllerson, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Mads Andenas ; Centre of European Law King's College London. - The Hague : Kluwer Law International, 1998. - XXII, 348 s. ; 24 cm. - (Studies in Law / Centre of European Law, King's College London ; vol. 1)
ISBN 90-411-0526-3
Müllerson Rein
International law, rights and politics : developments in Eastern Europe and the CIS / Rein Müllerson. - London : Routledge, 1994. - 230 s. ; 22 cm. - (The New International Relations)
ISBN 0-415-10687-7
Müllerson Rein
Prava čeloveka : idei, normy, real'nost' / R.A. Mjullerson. - Moskva : Juridičeskaja Literatura, 1991. - 158 s. ; 20 cm
ISBN 5-7260-0514-7
A19664 A19826
Müllerson Rein
Sootnošenie meždunarodnogo i nacional'nogo prava / R. A. Mjullerson. - Moskva : Mežd. Otnošenija, 1982. - 135, 1 nlb. ; 20 cm