Rekordy dla Brincat Shannon
Z116561.1 Z116561.2 Z116561.3
Brincat Shannon
Communism in the 21st Century / Shannon Brincat (ed.) ; forew. by Terrell Carver. Vol. 1 : The father of communism : rediscovering Marx's ideas. Vol. 2 : Whiter communism? The challenges of the past and the present. Vol. 3 : The future of communism : social movements, economic crises, and the re-imagination of communism. - Santa Barbara : Praeger, 2014. - 3 wol.(LXX, 261 ; XIII, 297 ; XII, 233 s.) ; 24 cm
ISBN 978-14408-0125-9
B72011 B80451
Witkowski Zbigniew
Prezydent Republiki w systemie ustrojowym współczesnych Włoch / Zbigniew Witkowski ; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. - Toruń : UMK, 1991. - 195 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 83-231-0304-6