Rekordy dla Sosna Karel
The Czech Parliamentary Library : a tribute on its 150th anniversary : the Central European parliamentary libraries from the past to present / ed. Karel Sosna. - [Praga] : Parliament of the Czech Republic. Office of the Chamber of Deputies, 2009. - 206 s. : il. ; 24 cm
Annual International Conference of Parliamentary Librarians, 19. 2003 (Praga)
Parliamentary library, research and information services of Central Europe : parliamentary information services with special focus on the process of implementation of the European Union law by the associated countries : Prague, July 30, 2003 : proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference of Parliamentary Librarians / ed. by Karel Sosna. - Prague : Parlamentní Knihovna, 2003. - 61 s. ; 21 cm
Balazs-Veredy Kathalin
Parliaments and parliamentary libraries in Czecho-slovakia, Hungary and Poland / Kathalin Balazs-Veredy, Andrzej Gwiżdż, Karel Sosna ; IFLA - Parliamentary Libraries Section. - Helsinki : IFLA, 1991. - 37 s. ; 21 cm