Rekordy dla Segbert Monika
Knechtges Susanne
Bibliothekarisches Handwörterbuch / Susanne Knechtges ; unter Mitarb. von Monika Segbert, John Hutchins, Nadja Ekhevitch. - 2., wesentlich erw. Aufl. - Bad Honnef : Bock+Herchen Verl., 1995. - 204 s. ; 19 cm
ISBN 3-88347-187-9
International Conference on Library Automation in Central and Eastern Europe. Konferencja. 1996 (Budapeszt)
International conference on library automation in Central and Eastern Europe : conference proceedings, Budapest 10-13 April 1996 / ed. by Monika Segbert, Katarina Steinwachs, Peter Burnett. - Luxembourg : Office for Official Publ. of the European Communities, 1997. - VIII, 320 s. ; 30 cm. - (Libraries in the Information Society)
ISBN 92-828-0305-8