
Rekordy dla Yust Walter

C12218.1 C12218.2 C12218.3 C12218.4

10 eventful years : 1937 through 1946 : a record of the years preceding, including and following World War II / prep. under the ed. dir. of Walter Yust ; The University of Chicago. - Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, 1947. - 4 t. (836, 862, 862, 862 s.) : il. portr, tab., wykr. ; 29 cm


ZB22881 ZB22882 ZB22883 ZB22884 ZB22885 ZB22886 ZB22887 ZB22888 ZB22889 ZB22890 ZB22891 ZB22892 ZB22893 ZB22894 ZB22895 ZB22896 ZB22897 ZB22898 ZB22899 ZB22900 ZB22901 ZB22902 ZB22903 ZB22904

Encyclopaedia Britannica : a new survey of universal knowledge / [ed. Walter Yust] ; The University of Chicago. Vol. 1-24. - Chicago : Encyclopaedia Britannica, cop. 1947. - 24 t. wiele liczb. : il. kolor. ; 29 cm
