
Rekordy dla Carr Cecil


Ilbert Courtenay (1841-1924)

Parliament : its history, constitution, and practice / Courtenay Ilbert ; rev. Cecil Carr. - 3rd ed. - London : Oxford Univ. Press, 1948. - IX, 229 s. ; 17 cm. - (The Home University Library of Modern Knowledge ; 1)



Ilbert Courtenay (1841-1924)

Parliament : its history, constitution, and practice / Courtenay Ilbert ; rev. Cecil Carr. - [3rd ed., rev.]. - London : Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. - VIII, 230 s. ; 17 cm. - (The Home University Library of Modern Knowledge ; 1)



Kersell John E.

Parliamentary supervision of delegated legislation : the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand and Canada / by John E. Kersell ; with a forew. by Cecil Carr. - London : Stevens and Sons, 1960. - XVI, 178 s. ; 25 cm


B72011 B80451

Witkowski Zbigniew

Prezydent Republiki w systemie ustrojowym współczesnych Włoch / Zbigniew Witkowski ; Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika. - Toruń : UMK, 1991. - 195 s. ; 24 cm

ISBN 83-231-0304-6
