Rekordy dla Wolfe Bertram David (1896-1977)
Wolfe Bertram David (1896-1977)
An ideology in power : reflections on the Russian revolution / Bertram D. Wolfe ; introd. by Leonard Schapiro. - New York : Stein and Day, 1969. - VIII, 406 s. ; 25 cm
Wolfe Bertram David (1896-1977)
Lenin and the twentieth century / a Bertram David Wolfe retrospective ; comp. and with introd. by Lennaed D. Gerson ; forew. by Alain Besançon. - Stanford : Hoover Institution Press, 1984. - XVII, 216 s. ; 22 cm. - (Hoover Archival Documentaries)
ISBN 0-8179-7931-X
Wolfe Bertram David (1896-1977)
Lénine, Trotsky, Staline : (three who made a revoluition) / Bertram D. Wolf ; trad. de l'américain par René Guyonnet. - Paris : Calmann-Lévy, 1951. - 400 s. ; 19 cm