Rekordy dla Pizzorusso Alessandro
B127596 B127597 BSE11120
Pizzorusso Alessandro
Europejskie dziedzictwo konstytucyjne / Alessandro Pizzorusso ; przekł. z wł. Andrzej Kaznowski. - Warszawa : Wydaw. Sejmowe, 2013. - 183 s. ; 21 cm
ISBN 978-83-7666-275-6
Italian studies in law : a review of legal problems / ed. Alessandro Pizzorusso ; Italian Association of Comparative Law. Vol. 1. - Dordrecht : Martinus Nijhoff, 1992. - VII, 170 s. ; 24 cm
ISBN 0-7923-1564-2
Law in the making : a comparative survey / Alessandro Pizzorusso ed. ; with contrib. by Francesco Capotorti, [i in.] ; with a foreword by Stig Strömholm ; European Science Foundation. - Berlin : Springer, 1988. - XXII, 392 s. ; 25 cm. - (Research on the Legislative Process / ESF)
ISBN 3-540-18445-7