
Rekordy dla Lyon-Caen Antoine


Lyon-Caen Gérard

Droit social international et européen / Gérard Lyon-Caen, Antoine Lyon-Caen. - 7e éd. - Paris : Dalloz, 1991. - XII, 323 s. ; 22 cm. - (Codes Dalloz) (Précis / Dalloz)

ISBN 2-247-01221-3



Lyon-Caen Antoine

European employment and industrial relations glossary : France / by Antoine Lyon-Caen ; European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions. - London : Sweet and Maxwell, 1993. - LII, 272 s. ; 25 cm. - (European Employment and Industrial Relations Glossary Series)

ISBN 0-421-44870-9
