
Rekordy dla Significant Issues Series


Mann Dawn

The Supreme Soviet : a biographical directory / by Dawn Mann, Robert Monyak, and Elizabeth Teague ; forew. by Bill Bradley. - Munich : Radio Free Europe, 1989. - XIV, 168 s. ; 23 cm. - (Significant Issues Series, ISSN 0736-7136 ; vo. 11, nr 10)

ISBN 0-89206-147-2



Pribylovskij Vladimir Valerianovič

Dictionary of political parties and organizations in Russia / by Vladimir Pribylovskii ; ed. by Dauphine Sloan and Sarah Helmstadter. - Washington : Center for Strategic and Intern. Studies, 1992. - XVII, 129 s. ; 23 cm. - (Significant Issues Series, ISSN 0736-7136 ; vol. 14, nr 7)



Rethinking Russia's national interests / ed. by Stephen Sestanovich. - Washington : Center for Strategic and Intern. Studies, 1994. - 115 s. ; 23 cm. - (Significant Issues Series, ISSN 0736-7136 ; v. 16, no 1)

ISBN 0-89206-221-5
