
Rekordy dla Historical Materialism Book Series


Bloom Jack M.

Seeing through the eyes of the Polish revolution : solidarity and the struggle against communism in Poland / Jack M. Bloom. - Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2014. - 428 s. ; 23 cm. - (Historical Materialism Book Series)

ISBN 978-1-60846-376-3



The German Left and the Weimar Republic : a selection of documents / transl. and introd. by Ben Fowkes. - Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2015. - XV, 399 s. ; 23 cm. - (Historical Materialism Book Series)

ISBN 978-1-60846-486-9



Rehmann Jan

Theories of ideology : the powers of alienation and subjection / Jan Rehmann. - Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2014. - VIII, 350 s. ; 23 cm. - (Historical Materialism Book Series)

ISBN 978-1-60846-408-1



Congress of the Communist International, 4. 1922 (Moskwa)

Toward the United Front : proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922 / ed. and transl. by John Riddell. - Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2012. - XII, 1310 s. ; 24 cm. - (Historical Materialism Book Series)

ISBN 978-1-60846-236-0



To the masses : proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921 / ed. and transl. by John Riddell. - Chicago : Haymarket Books, 2016. - X, 1299 s. ; 23 cm. - (Historical Materialism Book Series)

ISBN 978-1608466351
