
Rekordy dla Kapteyn Paul Joan George


The European Union and the international legal order : discord or harmony? / ed. by Vincent Kronenberger ; with a foreword by Paul J.G. Kapteyn. - The Hague : T.M.C. Asser Instituut, 2001. - XXVI, 640 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 90-6704-129-7



Kapteyn Paul Joan George

Introduction to the law of the European Communities : after the coming into force of the Single European Act / by P. J. G. Kapteyn and P. VerLoren van Themaat. - 2 ed. / ed. by Laurence W. Gromley. - Deventer : Kluwer Law and Taxation Publ., 1990. - 927 s. ; 25 cm. - (Student Edition)

ISBN 90-6544-456-4



The Law of the European Union and the European Communities : with reference to changes to be made by the Lisbon Treaty / ed. by P. J. G. Kapteyn, A. M. McDonnell, K. J. M. Mortelmans, C. W. A. Timmermans. - 4th rev.ed.. - Alphen aan den Rijn : Kluwer Law International, 2008. - 1406 s. ; 25 cm

ISBN 978-90-4112-631-3
