
Rekordy dla Lincoln Abraham (1809-1865)


Blackburn Robin

Marx and Lincoln: an unfinished revolution / Robin Blackburn. - London : Verso, 2011. - [6], 260 s. : il. ; 20 cm

ISBN 978-1-84467-722-1



Lincoln Abraham (1809-1865)

Speeches and writings : 1832-1858 : speeches, letters and miscellaneous writings; the Lincoln - Douglas debates / Abraham Lincoln ; ed. by Don E. Fehrenbacher. [T. 1]. - New York : Literary Classises of the U.S., 1989. - XIX, 898 s. ; 21 cm. - (Library of America ; 45)

ISBN 0-940450-43-7



Lincoln Abraham (1809-1865)

Speeches and writings : 1859-1865 : speeches, letters and miscellaneous writings; presidential messages and proclamations / Abraham Lincoln ; ed. by Don E. Fehrenbacher. [T. 2]. - New York : Literary Classises of the U.S., 1989. - XXXIII, 787 s. ; 21 cm. - (Library of America ; 46)

ISBN 0-940450-63-1
